(no subject)

Dec 08, 2005 13:49

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

Last week I committed genocide... Sorry about that, shinymook (-5000 points). Last Monday I gave puffy_princess a Dutch Oven (-10 points). In October I turned wildchild199 in for spitting (3 points). Last Thursday I gave ruskiebiz a kidney (1000 points). Last Saturday I helped forbidden_john hide a body (-173 points).

Overall, I've been naughty (-4180 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!


About time!! Took me long enough to get a naughty one, and it's like the mother of all naughty ones too xD I seem to love giving people bone marrow and/or blood transfusions, all my "nice" ones have that for someone :-p Mags, Phoebe, Theresa, Todd, hope y'all appreciate it (A) All my "naughty" ones involve genocide xD Gotta wonder why buyin someone porn (Jojo you naughty girl :-p) is worth 10 points... *continues randomly getting Santa letters*

Blah, time for class >_> *yawn* So tired, was workin in my dad's restaurant til after midnight last night, but it paid off :D With tips and service charges I got €40 in total, which is pretty good considerin the total of tips and service charges was split between at least 3 of us, so €40 each is great, especially for my first night :D
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