I seriously love my job. I love it more every day, and I'm starting to get into the swing of things and feel like an active part of the team.
With that in mind, I also love my co-workers:
Below are e-mails sent to the entire team.
Hey guys,
Can everyone clear their schedules for a 3pm staff meeting this afternoon?
Only if we can play counter strike later on!
Last friday Mary (the uber-boss) even bought beer for the entire office. It's such a chill environment, it's the exact kind of atmosphere I'm going to be looking for when I go out and look for a more long-term job.
Oh yes, and yesterday I finally became a tax-paying citizen of New Zealand!...well really, I became that over a week ago, they just neglected to get ahold of me with my IRD number. As soon as I got that, I hopped down to the National Bank of New Zealand and got a bank account! Whee! It feels pretty good to be self-reliant.
This weekend Bevin and Jenny (two of the other interns from my program) are coming down from the North Island for a visit and I'm going to get to finally see the Otago Peninsula in all it's magnificent glory...as well as drive up the coast a bit and see some boulders (exciting, no?). I've also pretty much figured out how I'm going to be spending the rest of my weekends here in New Zealand...I just have to book everything and i'll be golden.