Grassroots can be summed up in one quote: "Um, did you know that Grassroots 2005?"
That was David. Apparently he didn't know what he was talking about. And, astonishingly, he was sober at the time.
But I lied. I can't sum up grassroots like that. What I love about grassroots is that theres just ALL different types of people there. I don't go for the music, I go for the experience...well, OK, I've been going in the past because my parents go, and so I didn't really have a choice. But had I been given the choice, that is why I would go. And that's why I'll go next year.
It works out well at grassroots: half of the dirty hippies love to litter, and the other half love to pick up litter. The trash piles up on Saturday night, but come Sunday morning the lawn has been picked fairly clean--or, well, cleaner.
Some grimy old hippie tried to give me cocaine. "FREE COKE FOR HOT WOMEN!" You KNOW he was burned out if he thought I was hot enough to warrent free cocaine. Needless to say, I did not accept his extremely sketchy offer.
Anyway, the Grassroots Festival of Music & Dance consists of:
-2 main stages
-1 dance tent (with live music)
-1 cabaret tent
-fire pit/late-night drum circle
-good food
-craft booths
-great people
I'm probably missing a bunch of other stuff, so tough shit if you really wanted to know about it.
official grassroots site dave's trying to look cool or something. what a WOOKIE.
ben looks astonishingly pink in this photo for some reason. anyway, we're playing cosmic wimpout!!!
nice action shot of jed and mark (ben's brother and dad) juggling. everybody juggles at grassroots. i have like 5 billion other pics of everyone juggling, but i'll spare you.
dave's twirling fire like it's his JOB, because he's awesome like that. and he loves showing off.
ben...and some random chick on stilts. there are a lot of those there.
this kid is biking AND drinking a beer. also, i'd like to point out that he was probably around 15. thats just how great grassroots is.
part of the happiness parade... a lot o fpeople participated in the parade, but it doesn't look like that in the picture...cuz...i dunno.
yes, people are just camping out ON A SCHOOLBUS. thats just awesome.
OK, so my Grassroots pictures kind of suck.
I didn't get to stay overnight until Saturday night, but that was the first time I ever did. Usually I go home with my parents and we all sleep at Ben's house overnight. Anyway, my night basically consisted of me wandering around, occassionally running into Dave or Ben, and hanging out at the drum circle/fire-pit. I met cool people.
And I smoked A LOT of weed this weekend. Right out in the open. In broad daylight. BECAUSE THATS JUST HOW FUCKING COOL GRASSROOTS IS.
Oh, and some other good grassroots quotes, as if you actually cared:
"You just got POWNED like a NOOB." ~Dave
"State of being is AWESOME." ~Dave
"I'm so fucking stoned right now." ~Ben
"I have never been more stonered." ~Ben's friend...I don't think I'll ever remember his name
"This is crunk juice." ~Ben (I like that quote, because it makes me think of Invisible Monsters--"This is silk gorgette..."
"So that's what the guy was doing with the styrofoam lady. Wait, that sounded pretty insane, didn't it?" ~Me