can i lay in your bed all day?

Nov 14, 2010 01:01

i'm seriously considering quitting classical ballet and i hate it. i have to finish out the year, so i'm bound for a while yet, but the thoughts echo in my mind.

not because i dislike ballet, (i still adore it, in fact) but because i've started to dislike the lessons. i miss the change of teachers and the 'different' styles we were taught our technique in. and that's the thing, i want to get better still, i want to continue improving my technique. i don't want that to stop - it's something i need in contemporary, after all.

i could change schools, but there's only one other in my hometown, and i've heard that they're not very good. i could also take my classical lessons where i take my contemporary, but this would mean i'd have to take the train into the city twice a week, and that would take up so much time. i don't think i could afford it.


anyway, onto other things, lately i only seem to be talking about dancing.. and possibly my pitiful lovelife.

on thursday some friends and some nice people i barely know and i went to the sign pub, where we stumbled our way through conversations with lovely deaf people. i say 'stumbled' mostly because the dude and a girl i was with (at first, more people followed) did not know a word of sign language.(although i will not hold up the illusion i'm able to have completely smooth conversation in sign language.) it was so much fun. i loved using sign language, the people were lovely, the incapable dude was sweet and interested, and i generally had an excellent time. i also had a little bit too much to drink.

afterwards we went to a club and danced the rest of the night away. which, you know, was nice, if you don't take the interwoven drama into account. but if you do that, when do we have a good night, ever?

three hours sleep later i was in class, only two minutes late. those are ma skillz, yo.

so now i'm taking the weekend to sleep, relax, and tidy and clean my room as much as i can. pictures of pretty rooms have inspired me.

have a lovely one, all ♥

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

contemporary, ballet, i can't hear you

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