about a half hour after Paul left for pool league last night he called me, but then hung up before I answered. After seeing the call I saw where he'd messaged me that he had just had a car wreck in front of bumpers. From the msg I thought it was probably just a fender bender, but I replied back asking if he needed me to come get him or anything. he finally called me back and said he was ok just really shaken and that the car was probably totaled.
I ended up going to get him and took him to the er to get checked out. by the time I got there he was starting to feel the pain. the front end of his car was pretty much gone. he'd been turning left into Bumpers when the light changed and evidently a guy coming from the other way was going too fast to stop, basically hitting Paul head-on and spinning him around. Its amazing what damage that little civic did to Paul's Sportage.
Paul is ok just bruised up and he'll hurt for a few days. on the upside we'd been discussing how we would probably need to replace his car in the next year anyway. I'm just glad he's ok. He's not always good at wearing his seatbelt, but luckily he was this time, and luckily the airbag went off.
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