I personally make a point of generally avoiding politics in this journal, but the selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's VP is just too laughable to pass up. Nevermind all the issues of her frightening inexperience (a 42 year old with two years of government service beyond the local level, who has never lived in a city of over 20,000 or even left the country, sitting John McCain's heartbeat away from the presidency) or her neo-conservative views (she doesn't believe in global warming, opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest, and opposed the addition of polar bears to the endangered species list, to name a few of the more interesting ones). Seriously, I know I just wrote in those bits, but nevermind them. You don't need to know any of that to drink this in.
What follows is simply too delicious for me to ignore. If you actively follow politics, you've probably heard this mentioned already, but I'll risk it anyway. Here's Sarah Palin in an interview from July 31st.
Click to view
And there you go, ladies! In an unprecedented move, McCain has made history by placing the first woman ever on a presidential ticket and, in so doing, quite inadvertently guaranteed himself 18 million ex-Hillary votes who are sure to know and follow a pair of tits when they see them.