Aug 15, 2008 23:09
So Michael Phelps is a beast. And I still want to beat him.
Today was my last day at work until winter break. I was thinking on the way home how I only have one more day in Williamsburg, unless you count being home for breaks and things. It's kind of a weird feeling. But also really exciting. I'm pretty nervous, but I'm also really excited. It helps that I'm looking forward to having a place to swim, and hopefully I'll be able to find somebody to teach me how to swim in competition. I bought a ton of candy, so maybe I can buy myself a swimming partner. :D I might also need to get an intimidating Michael Phelps poster. For motivational purposes. And maybe one of Adlington, or Coventry, or Torres. Or Thorpe... Mmm... I'm still kind of bummed he retired. He's adorable.
I've been working some on my concert audition pieces. They don't sound nearly as bad as I thought, so I'm a lot less worried than I was. I really don't care what band or what position I make, so really I just want to be able to get through the music. Blah.
So I did some work on I Will Be Home Then, but it's difficult to get through it. I really don't know what else to add to it, even though I know it needs more. Pain in the ass. It's the same problem I have with all of them, or I'd work on something else for a while. I could easily come up with reasons for things, but I can't think of plotpoints. There are even a couple of concepts I started but which never were attached to a plot, so the stories can't go anywhere at all. It's more frustrating than total writer's block because I have something I think has the potential to be awesome, but I don' t know how to get it there.