(no subject)

Aug 28, 2007 00:34

So I still don't have my computer back and I'm leaving to go to SFÉ'S HOUSE OH MY GOD tomorrow after work. My computer is supposed to be finished tomorrow afternoon but at the most all I'll be able to do is update my ipod with all the awesome music my boyfriend and James have been downloading lately before the battery dies (I still don't have an AC cable, you see) and I don't want to spend two hours that I could spend driving to Kansas City on working on a sketchjournal update.

THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS I'M USING BEN'S COMPUTER AND MICROSOFT PHOTO EDITOR TO SCAN AND SAVE THESE. Ah, back to my roots. It smells like 1999. You and I, Photo Editor. We had some good times. If you notice a decrease in quality you have that to blame. IT WAS THIS OR NOTHING FOLKS.

Okay we have a lot to cover since i haven't scanned anything in like a week or something. I say I'm in the middle of an art block but cripes I sure had lot to scan.

Bar Night two thursdays ago involved a rousing revival of the Animal Mixture Game. Aka "Give me two animals and I will put them together." Monkey/Earthworm, chicken/porcupine, and polar bear/beta fish.

Beaver/crab and unicorn/"one of those bugs that looks like a leaf. So basically a unicorn and a leaf." Looks like a pokemon to me.

Some work in progress on my Ozark comic. I have a lot of computer work to do with this one, 'cause I sure as hell ain't drawing those backgrounds more than I have to.

And the next page! Man you can see why I have to go over my inks several times. I sure screw up a lot when I have a small little tech pen. This is why brush pens are my friend. Thank you, brush pens, for masking my unsteady hands.

And more! I like Merial's face on the last panel the best. Drawing caves is hard.

And page 6! Yes it is just 8 pages of them walking around. I KNOW.

A bunch of thumbnails for future wallpaper paintings I would like to do. The thumbnail for the rhonda/bohemian lion one came out better than the actual painting, I think. There's also a faun, a lamia/gorgon/whatever snake lady, and a bugbear (naturally). Also the sketch for the Alec bust I did out of sculpey.

This is about where my art block really set in hard and I couldn't finish anything my brain started to think up. I was trying to do a cover mock up for the first issue of the next arc, starring Anthony in the LA, but it didn't end up right and I quit it early. Then we have Blanche and some freaky deer arms.

Another painting idea. "A little boy in Spain playing piano filled with flames." From 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel. I KNOW. Then we have the start of some Gabe Angel anatomy that I got bored with and some random bugbears. POSSIBLY HYDES? Here's a secret: Possibly.

And this is where the Fall Madness starts. I passed a candle store in the mall while I waited for my car to get an oil change and it was all orange and black for halloween and I was all "OH MY GOD IT IS NEARLY SEPTEMBER THAT IS ALMOST OCTOBER LET'S FREAK OUT ABOUT HALLOWEEN. So basically from here on out it's all fall imps and bugbears.

BUT UNFORTUNATELY NONE OF MY FALL IMPS ARE FINISHED. :( :( :( The imps of the fall I like most of all. I was trying to do a cool little story-book kinda Fosters Home styled versions of lady_dragona's adorable Fall Imps, but I got lost on the style and then I lost my reference pictures. PERHAPS I WILL FINISH THIs AND IT WILL BE ADORABLE? Perhaps. But first: aww Treat. I love you little tongue there.

An old Halloween costume of Alec's. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I know, man, don't even tell me. Mr. Hyde is apparently a big black bear-y critter but you can just shut up. He's all "Bitch plz don't even tell me about asymmetrical midforms I got that shit all ironed out." I had almost forgotten how much I love turn of the century fashion. ALMOST.

Whenever I can't draw I usually write. Yesterday my writing was composed of "Let's make a list of bugbear names." which eventually led to me drawing more bugbears which eventually led me to elaborating on the Hyde family tree which led to me drawing out some ideas I've had noodling around in my brain for awhile but never actually sat down and ironed out. I was talking to Sheana yesterday and she was all "Wah wah I can't name this character" and I'm all "Man name him something old fashioned I love old fashioned names. Like Egon" and she was all "Egon is the worst name ever" and I was all "Egon is the best name ever" and she was all "Fine if you love it so much you name a character Egon" and I was all "Okay fine Orville has a brother named Egon." ONLY HAHA I RENAMED HIM OGDEN JOKES ON YOU.

Traditionally bugbears only have one child (by traditionally I mean "almost entirely always"). Bugbears will pair up, have a kid, stick together for a few years, and then usually split, with one of them taking the child (normally boys stay with their fathers and girls stick with their mothers). Sometimes, like most bears, twin cubs are born. The parents then decide to either Panda one of the cubs (aka abandon it) or to take on the gigantic responsibility of raising two hellspawn demon bears. Orville and Ogden were twins and their parents (Egon and Lucrecia OH SNAP) decided to keep them (partially because they were both part of twins themselves (Bram and Octavia OH SNAP AGAIN). Orville was the prize child however, and Ogden was kinda shunted off to the side and got kinda resentful about it. Orv took to calling him his 'evil twin' and Ogden was all "okay fine whatever I'm your freakin' evil twin". He has a son named Kevin (OH SEE WHAT I DID THERE). We also see the family tree I made out while watching Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (Oh god watch that movie for serious now).

OH AND LOOK AT THAT FAMILY TREE. I was all "Sheana I can't draw anything this will probably lead to me doing something retarded like making an entire family tree for the Hydes" and she was all "OH MAN DO THAT" and I was all "WHATEVER FINE I WILL" but the joke was on her because I had already started. Basically this was just pure fun of "let's put a bunch of dumb names together." The Hyde family tree (and all bugbears basically) looks like if the Malfoys and the Addams Family got together and had a bunch of kids I swear to god. Family names like Grim and Hellsing and Montegue and Amantillado and Baal. Galdang. Note that whenever there is more than one sibling it is always twins. It's also a common practice for whenever couples split for the one who does not take the child to find another bugbear and have another one. As we can see with Orv's wife/girlfriend/whatever you call it I doubt they get married since it's common practice to split up Mina having a girl named Ira. Also I just realized that Elvira Kurt is actually a real person's name. I TOTALLY DIDN'T REALIZE I WAS RIPPING YOUR NAME OFF, HILARIOUS LESBIAN COMEDIAN FROM THE 90s WHO'S SHOW I CAN STILL RECITE BECAUSE I WATCHED IT SO DAMN MUCH.

We also have a few more unfinished Gabes, an adorable little Tea Light, and some sorta bugbear.

AND ALSO WHAT? MY 24-HOUR COMIC GUY? Aww man, I almost forgot about you. Who wants to do 24-Hour comic on October 20th? I do. One of our comic stores totally hosts it. They feed the artists and everything. I still don't have much of a plot down for the thing but whatever if all else fails I'll just write the lyrics to "Yellow Sun" by the Raconteurs and turn it into a werewolf/vampire indy love story. HOW ADORABLE. I KNOW, RITE?


sheana, bugbears, drunk, 24-hour comic, ozark comic, public, fall imps, sfé

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