I drew some stuff.
I'm such a whore.
BUT LET'S START OUT WITH MEEEEEEE. Unused sketches for my Pixel ID at DeviantART. best meme ever? Best meme ever. I don't know when I decided to start drawing myself as a freaky bugbear. Perhaps when I got the skeleton hoodie? Whatever live was made better when I started drawing bugbears with Momo claws. Also Big Ol Bear Fangs. Screw your little vampire canines, you pussies, I only go for giant comin-out-the-side-of-your-mouth four-inch scyth teeth. hardcore.
Sheana was getting on my case for drawing some of her characters wrong (like whatever, Sheana). So here's my attempt to draw Ike with his proper nose, which apparently is not curved down in any way. All I managed to do was make him look like a snobby British gent. "MY WORD. MY DEAR BOY ALEC, WHAT IS THAT AWFUL STENCH THAT DOTH OFFENDS MINE GREAT HONKER?"
Speaking of Alec she was all "Whine bitch moan you draw his nose wrong he looks too much like John entwistle and his hair is too long whine complain bitch." Okay so I actually drew this to prove to her that I draw Alec different enough from his inspiration that I wouldn't have to change his nose (which I love, it happens to be the same kind of nose I have and sue me for loving to draw nose bumps, alright? SUE ME), but what really happened is they do look an awful lot alike. The moral of the story is nobody cares but you Sheana. Also: James walked behind me while I was drawing this and had a few reference pictures up and proclaimed "WHO THE HELL IS THAT FREAKY PERSON?" really loudly. Further proving that whilst John Lennony lions may be easy to spot, John Entwistley hobgoblin bears are a little stealthier.
This all seems like I'm being really mean and catty to Sheana. But the truth of the matter is I'll use any excuse to draw either Alec or John Entwistle. SORRY SHEANA, ILU.
Sfé's doing a bitchass awesome set of 'trading card' style drawings of all his Skin Deep characters up on deviantart right now, and he did Rupert the other day, which reminded me of the entire extended Finn Family to which he is technically part of. This is Mary Finn and her brother Antoine Burton-Fitzgerald. Their mother (who's name I had made up but I have since forgotten) was a Burton Jubjub and their father (also, name forgotten) was a Haddlam common gryphon. Mary Haddlam took her husband James' last name (Finn, duh), and Antoine Burton married another jubjub and they hyphenated their names together. I like them because they illustrate some of the Skin Deep rules and are also part of the older generation, proving that it's not just all the young whipper-snappers who illustrate every single rule I've ever made up for this place.
I just made up Antoine on the fly using Sfé's description of "worn-out hippie", so if it's totally off-base I WILL NOT FEEL BAD IF YOU SAY SO, SFÉ.
COUSINS. YAY. Mary would visit Antoine in her childhood home of Wonderland often when Jim and Rupert were young, and they played together often. "Together" being a relative term, as it was mainly little Jimmy running off and getting into trouble while Rupert tagged along to say things like "I dunno Jimmy, we could get hurt" or "I think I hear my mum calling, we should head back." To which Jimmy firmly believes that Rupert is his lamest relation ever. JUBJUBS. LITTLE FLUFFY BALLS OF ADORABLE. AWW.