Feb 25, 2004 23:36
Name: Wesley
Middle Name(s) Karl
Last Name: David
Birth Date: September 6th, 1981
Sex: Male
Piercings: None
Tattoos? None
Nicknames: Wes, Wessy, Weasel, Wez, Weth, Sami
City/Province Of Birth: Raleigh, North Carolina
Do You Still Live There? Nope
Where Are You Now? Royal Oak, Michigan
Height: About 6'
Shoe Size: 10 1/2
Hair Color? Brown
Hair Length? Short
Eye Color? Brown
Siblings: Younger sister, Mary
Pets: Cat, Leo
Last Movie You Saw In The Theatre: Scary Movie 3
What is the...
Last Movie You Rented: lol...Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Last Movie You Bought: I bought two at the same time, Dazed and Confused, and Boyz N The Hood
Last Song You Listened To: Norah Jones - Sunrise
Last Song That Was Stuck In Your Head: Rush - Bastille Day
Last Song You've Downloaded: KC and the Sunshine Band - Boogie Shoes
Last CD You Bought: John Mayer - Heavier Things
Last CD You Listened To: Since buying my iPod, I haven't listened to any CDs really. Someone at work was listening to Michael Jackson's #1's...does that count?
Last Person You've Called: Lindsey Bachan
Last Person That's Called You: Lindsey Bachan
Last TV Show You've Watched: Seinfeld
Last Person You Were Thinking Of: Lindsey Edgar
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? Yes.
Do You Believe In Online Relationships? Are we talking romantic relations? Or friendship relationships? I have some friends on here whom I've never met in person, but I talk to on a regular basis...that's a relationship, right?
Do You Find Yourself Attractive? It's what I get by on...=0)
Do You Find Yourself Ugly? Ugly no...but everyone has their days
Do Others Find You Attractive? Ask them. I like to think they do =0)
Do You Want (more) Piercings? I want to have 234,765,726 by the time I have kids...
Do You want (more) Tattoos? Yes...the few I have now keep washing off in the tub
Do You Drink? On occasion
Do You Do Drugs? Nope.
Do You Smoke? Never have, never will
Do You Like Fishing? Love it
Do You Like Cleaning? Sometimes I do. The trick is keeping things organized in the first place...if things get outta hand, my mommy is a phone call away!
Do You Like Roller Coasters? Yes!
What do you think of...
Long Distance Relationships: They can work.
Using someone for personal pleasure: Bad idea
Killing People: Everyone has a purpose...it's not my job to decide when their time has come and that purpose has been served.
Assisted Suicide: If I ever get that sick...I'll give you my opinion then
Skipping school: It'll catch up to you
Teenage smoking: Tragic
Doing Drugs: Waste of time, money and life
Premarital Sex: As long as it's safe and both people are SMART about it
Driving Drunk: One of the dumbest decisions a person can make
Gay/Lesbian Relationships: Lesbian...Weeeee! Gay...Keep yo' hands off meeeee!
Jerry Springer: Jerry today? Or Jerry from back in the day? I loved the shows where people (cousins mostly) beat the hell out of each other
Soap Operas: Change the channel
Best Friend(s): I think I only have two...and they're both girls
Best Person To Talk To: My mom
Best TV Show Of All Time: Seinfeld, hands down.
Best Online Friend: Sarah J. =0)
Best School Subject: Psychology
Best Thing In The World: Cuddling
Best Piece Of Clothing You Own: I don't have one specific piece of clothing that is my "best" I have a nice DKNY shirt I wear to special occasions, does that count? It was expensive
Best Thing To Do On A Rainy Day: Play my drums
Best Stuffed Animal You've Owned: My teddy bear...I miss him =0/
Best Feeling In The World: Love and feeling loved
Fav Food: Ice cream!
Fav Song: I don't have one...I have tons
Fav Thing To Do: Drive
Fav Thing To Talk About: Whatever is on your mind
Fav Sport To Play : Hockey!!!
Fav Sport To Watch: Hockey!!!
Fav Drink: As of late, it's been water. And cherry Crush. Grape juice is always tasty too...that didn't answer the question really, did it?
Fav Thing To Drink (alcoholic): I don't drink enough to have a favorite.
Fav Thing(s) In Your Room: My giant American flag on my wall, my framed poster of Darren McCarty smackin' Claude Lemieux around, my cozy bed, and my guitar.
'Have You Ever'
Have You Ever Felt Completely Happy Regardless That Things Aren't So Great? Yes I have
Have You Ever Had Sex: Yes I have
Have You Ever Cried Because Of A Member Of The Opposite Sex? Yes I have
Have You Ever Been So Awake Yet Tired At The Same Time: Yes I have
Have You Ever Read A Book That Was So Good That You Couldn't Put It Down? Yes I have...it was Stephen King's "It" - scared the buhjeezus outta me
Have You Even Given Or Received Flowers? I've given roses to cheer up the people I care about
Have You Ever Got In A Serious Fight? Travis Lane, 6th grade.
Have You Ever Been Arrested? Nope
How Late Are You Usually Up? I usually fall asleep between 11 and 1am depending on the night.
How Many Girls Have You Kissed? Hmmm... plenty
How Many Times Have You Had Sex? I can count on one hand how many
How Many People Have You Slept With? I assume this means sleeping and nothing more...Two.
How Many Meals a Day do You Eat? Breakfast, lunch and dinner...and tons of shit in-between. My diet is very poor. I eat so much, yet, I gain nothing.