Title: Lost
drummerdancerFandom: Inuyasha
Characters/Pairings: Sesshomaru, Rin
Word Count: 300
Rating: K
Summary: He wasn't lost.
The tunnel was dark and dimly lit, creating shadows of their silhouettes against the walls and ceiling as they walked, their feet making contact with the ground the only sounds they heard both ways.
“How much longer do you think-”
“Not much,” Sesshomaru interrupted, his eyes staying straight ahead into the darkness.
He honestly didn’t know if they were any closer to getting out of the maze of tunnels, but if all it took to reassure Rin was to put a little enthusiasm behind a lie…he’d do it in a heartbeat.
She smiled. “Good. I don’t want to be down here much longer.”
His heart clenched, but he didn’t let it show in his face. He couldn’t let her know that he honest to god didn’t know how much longer it would be, or if there was even a way out. For all he knew, the tunnel that they’d entered through was the only one out, and since it’d collapsed…
He shuttered. No, he couldn’t think like that. They were going to get out. He’d find a way, no matter what. Even if he had to give his life for it…he looked to his left. She was worth it.
“Hey, Sesshomaru,” she started quietly, “it’s okay, y’know, to say you’re lost. Just in case you are.”
His eyebrows shot up, but other than that, his face remained impassive. “I can assure you that I am not lost.”
“But if you were, you could tell me.”
“Right. But I’m not.”
She giggled, and his heart melted. A whispered ‘Stubborn man’ made a small smile come to his face as well. And suddenly, the tunnel didn’t seem so long, and their situation didn’t seem so bad. And maybe, just maybe, he’d fess up to being lost.
Even though he wasn’t.
Double posted @