Title: It Happened In The Rain
drummerdancerVerse: None
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Al, one-sided Roy/Ed
Word Count: 615
Rating: T
Summary: It was just empty words and empty feelings filling him to the brim until he was full of nothing.
It happened in the rain.
He had been confused. Angry. Upset.
He hadn’t meant to do it. Honest, he swore!
The knife had been foreign in his hand. He’d never used… no, never needed to use a knife, especially like this. Especially in this way, with this man.
The red coat he’d hastily thrown on his shoulders had been slowly slipping down, the rain falling from the heavens pulling at his ponytail and clothes in a kind of foreboding way, like it could sense the smell of imminent death before it even happened and was urging him to stop, fall back, flee…
But, but…
He couldn’t just retreat; this man had wronged him, made him a fool for even thinking for one second that things could actually work out between them and that they could have something, anything, together.
He had lied to his face; his ‘You’re the only one,’ felt like a dagger to his heart now that he thought about it. He had never been the one; and it fucking hurt because it should’ve been obvious all along.
“Why…?” was all that he could ask, his hand clenched in the uniform jacket, his face wet from the downpour.
But he never got an answer. Just that same stupid smirk, over and over again, haunting him like a ghost in his head as he started at his shackled wrists and grey prison garb.
A knock at the cell door. “Mr. Elric, you have a visitor.”
And god, he knew who it was. He knew like the rain had known that day, its sixth sense now ironically his, a gift passed on from bystander to murderer. A secret handshake, now forever his until he passed on from the world, however soon that was.
Footsteps echoed in the doorway; he barely had the energy to lift his head. His hazel eyes closed, and when he opened them, his brother was there, looking at him with such pain and confusion and anguish-all mixed together until it made him want to vomit out of self-pity.
His brother opened his mouth, then closed it, unsure of what he wanted to say.
Finally, he settled on a single word.
“Why…?” Edward asked brokenly, his face falling to shambles as he looked at him like he was a stranger.
And, for all Al knew, he was a stranger. For the Alphonse Elric that the world had known wouldn’t have looked twice at Roy Mustang. Wouldn’t have thought about him during the long hours of armor-induced non-sleep, or put the man on his lists of things he was going to do when he got his body back.
And, had that sane Alphonse still been around, he would’ve questioned the general’s eagerness to accepted Alphonse’s advances, would’ve wondered why he wasn’t appalled by how young he was, would’ve insisted that he cut his hair, if only to make sure the man wasn’t fixating on features to replace him with someone else.
But he hadn’t…because he had been blinded by it. Blinded by love, blinded by ignorance…it was all the same at this point. Just empty words and empty feelings that filled his empty heart to the brim, leaving him full of nothing. Nothing but hate and love, mixed together as apathy.
He opened his mouth to respond, to say ‘I thought he loved me, not you!’ but words failed him much like they always had, leaving him out to dry like clothes after the storm, wet and pruned and ruined save for the few stitches still holding them together.
Al wetted his lips, then said the only thing he could think of.
“It happened in the rain.”
Double posted @