Just dabble Writing

Mar 02, 2006 22:58

(I'm so bored. So I decided to babble babble babble about nonsense)
Spring must be in the air. Squirrels and all sorts of birds are doing "the do" like nobody's buisness. Just doing it in the open on the grass... well I guess they aren't that much different to some humans.
Ah, I can't wait for spring. It's a time of budding, flowers, and chirpy music... like a good Vivaldi, or perhaps a rendition of KISS on flute. No! Jazz Flute. It's times where happy couples turn into Teletubbies (all big eyed and cooey sound-like) and single people welcome the stalker of yester-season with open arms.
It's the season for day-dreaming of that special person like in a really bad musical.. The young lady sits on a tacky windowsill with a notepad and writes down the attributes she would like in her daper dandy.

Hmm... let's see:

Wanted: Male.
Of course that would make such a horrible classified ad. You would soon get everyone. Crazies, Murderers, Drug Abusers, Abusers, Gold Diggers, Players, Pimps, the list goes on. And what about sexual orientation? You don't want to come home to find Bob with his squash buddy trying on your skivies. You're all for gay/lesbian/transexual pride... but hey you have needs to.
Narrow the list. It's for the best. Saves the heartache.

Wanted: Male, Straight, Somewhere around the same age, Non-smoker,Drug-Free, No alcoholics.
Well, that's good, right? But what if you get a conservative looney with CNN and C-SPAN stuck up so far up his ass so that whenever his mouth opens you get the latest to what's happening to Bush Jr. at the White House. But then again you don't want some liberal hippie pinning "Save the ________" on your bag, clothes, and everyone passing by. Someone who would object to everything you did because it wasn't environmentally friendly and was hurting aliens on a distant planet. You don't want either extremes. He can be liberal or conservative but not more in love with Uncle Sam or with Mother Earth than with you.
Speaking of Politics, what about religions? Same thing: He can believe in whatever he wants to but not force you into whatever he believes.

Fine. Wanted: Male, Straight, Somewhere around the same age, Non-smoker,Drug-Free, No alcoholics,Open-minded, Understands that he has his beliefs and you have your own. But... you don't want some Johnny Pencil pusher who might bore you to tears about the joys of data analysis and statistical factoring... (lest you are also a Sally Pencil Pusher or numbers really get you hot) You want to be able to have a great debate with your guy. You want him to be well-educated, well-informed. You want him to be exciting. To have a passion in life.

Then you think about all the other silly things: Romantic, card-game player, loves the opera and a good football game, loves cuddling under the stars, loves to cook, loves to build things, loves to sing, loves to play basketball, loves to do this, loves to do that, the list goes on and on and on the top of all this, loves you for who you are.

Women. So Picky.
Spring is also a confusing time of year. Well, at least we can eat small bunnies in the form of chocolate. And wait for the slutty sister of Spring. Summer!
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