Because everybody's doing it

Nov 01, 2010 19:57

I'll be getting to the Meme that's making its way 'round in a moment but there's this movie coming out in of couple of weeks that I am super excited about and wondered if any of you are too? No... it's not Deathly Hallows though I am sort of getting excited about that too.

If I've done this right, you'll get the trailer for "The Kings Speech". Cross your fingers...

image Click to view

I have to tell you that I've been watching the various trailers way too much. I mean come on... it's got Colin Firth! In a uniform! I've already got four of my girlfriend's lined up to see it but I have a feeling this is going to be one of those movies that I see over and over an then watch constantly when the DVD comes out.

Meme time.

A is for age: 47. I may be old but I'm certainly not going to act like it!

B is for beer of choice: Don't drink it so, with mrstater 's consent, I'll have to answer Root Beer.

C is for career right now: Graphic artist for a sportswear company. Been doing it for sometime now (25 years) and I think I may just have the hang of it.

D is for your dog's name: No Dogs but Cats named Ulysses, Fran, Murphy and Dora

E is for essential item you use everyday: iPod for music in the car and at work. iPad for reading during lunch or before bed.

F is for favourite TV show: Favorite of all time or now? Now would be Fringe. All time would have to be Star Trek, the original series.

G is for favourite game to watch: Baseball. Unfortunately, the Giants just won the World Series so no more Baseball until April. :(

H is for hometown: Torrance, California.

I is for instruments you play: Percussion and if I were to list everything I play, you'd probably lose interest and miss out on all the rest of the answers below.

J is for favourite juice: Apple

K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: My own to get on that treadmill everyday and work off some of that flab!

L is for the last place you ate at: Home. Left over spaghetti from Halloween party at my bro's.

M is for marriage: Nothing in the works at this time.

N is for your name: Sandra... but call me Sandy, it fits me better.

O is for overnight hospital stay: Never and I'd like to keep it that way.

P is for people you were with today: I know there were other people in the building where I have my office but I didn't interact with them today.

Q is for what your best quality is: compassion for others... especially those of the furry kind.

R is for what you're currently reading: The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchet. The 22nd Disworld novel I've read since gilpin25 got me started.

S is for your relationship status: see M

T is for the time you woke up today: 4 AM. Then went back to sleep until 6 AM when I really had to get up.

U is for type of underwear you have on: black thongs (not lacy black, though)

V is for favorite vegetable: Vegetable? Can I change this to fruit and say Apricots?

W is for worst habit: drink too much Pepsi.

X is for x-rays you've had: various broken bones from my more active years.

Y is for some yummies: Homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer

I hope to get started on another Remus and Tonks piece that's been on the back burner for quite a while. It's had a few starts and stops but the sketch is pretty much ready to be scanned in and then the real fun begins.

Vote tomorrow, those of you Stateside.

the kings speech, meme

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