I'll be getting to the Meme that's making its way 'round in a moment but there's this movie coming out in of couple of weeks that I am super excited about and wondered if any of you are too? No... it's not Deathly Hallows though I am sort of getting excited about that too.
If I've done this right, you'll get the trailer for "The Kings Speech". Cross your fingers...
Click to view
I have to tell you that I've been watching the various trailers way too much. I mean come on... it's got Colin Firth! In a uniform! I've already got four of my girlfriend's lined up to see it but I have a feeling this is going to be one of those movies that I see over and over an then watch constantly when the DVD comes out.
Meme time.
A is for age: 47. I may be old but I'm certainly not going to act like it!
B is for beer of choice: Don't drink it so, with
mrstater 's consent, I'll have to answer Root Beer.
C is for career right now: Graphic artist for a sportswear company. Been doing it for sometime now (25 years) and I think I may just have the hang of it.
D is for your dog's name: No Dogs but Cats named Ulysses, Fran, Murphy and Dora
E is for essential item you use everyday: iPod for music in the car and at work. iPad for reading during lunch or before bed.
F is for favourite TV show: Favorite of all time or now? Now would be Fringe. All time would have to be Star Trek, the original series.
G is for favourite game to watch: Baseball. Unfortunately, the Giants just won the World Series so no more Baseball until April. :(
H is for hometown: Torrance, California.
I is for instruments you play: Percussion and if I were to list everything I play, you'd probably lose interest and miss out on all the rest of the answers below.
J is for favourite juice: Apple
K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: My own to get on that treadmill everyday and work off some of that flab!
L is for the last place you ate at: Home. Left over spaghetti from Halloween party at my bro's.
M is for marriage: Nothing in the works at this time.
N is for your name: Sandra... but call me Sandy, it fits me better.
O is for overnight hospital stay: Never and I'd like to keep it that way.
P is for people you were with today: I know there were other people in the building where I have my office but I didn't interact with them today.
Q is for what your best quality is: compassion for others... especially those of the furry kind.
R is for what you're currently reading: The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchet. The 22nd Disworld novel I've read since
gilpin25 got me started.
S is for your relationship status: see M
T is for the time you woke up today: 4 AM. Then went back to sleep until 6 AM when I really had to get up.
U is for type of underwear you have on: black thongs (not lacy black, though)
V is for favorite vegetable: Vegetable? Can I change this to fruit and say Apricots?
W is for worst habit: drink too much Pepsi.
X is for x-rays you've had: various broken bones from my more active years.
Y is for some yummies: Homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer
I hope to get started on another Remus and Tonks piece that's been on the back burner for quite a while. It's had a few starts and stops but the sketch is pretty much ready to be scanned in and then the real fun begins.
Vote tomorrow, those of you Stateside.