Birthday Art for Gilpin (still 25?)

Oct 24, 2010 19:41

 So last year at this time, I asked gilpin25 to choose a canon Remus/Tonks moment and I would illustrate it for her as a birthday gift. I didn't say which birthday so here, a year later and in honor of this year's birthday, is Remus and Tonks bringing Harry's trunk to No. 12 Grimmauld. I should point out that I did not re-read the section so if there are any glaring canon points I missed, chalk it up to artistic license.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday Karen, with lots of awesome presents (some of which may or may not be a horse). Hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed putting off doing it until the last minute!

Contrary to what it states, LJ is not linking this thumbnail to the full size picture in my gallery so until it magically fixes itself, here's the direct link.

tonks, birthday, remus, art

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