(no subject)

Aug 09, 2009 23:05

I posted this in my myspace blog, then thought it might as well be here.  Not that I expect a lot of you to be particularly interested, but hey.  I was originally intending this to be with pics, or even a supercool webcast, but I'm still rather sick and it took long enough just to write it all out...  after cooking, even.

At least 10 of you have personally requested this, so I'm finally posting it.  This is my basic recipe, just about everything can be altered some way or another.  It's time-consuming, yes, but it's damn good.  And... fresh means FRESH!!!!  If you don't know how to tell, look it up or ask.  No one wants a bowl of funk, seriously.

You need:
Large Pot
Large Frying Pan
LARGE Cutting Board
SHARP!!! Chef's knife, also something smaller.
Garlic Press

Cooking Oil
Basic seasonings (Black Pepper, Salt, Dill, Rosemary, Bouillon, etc.)

3-4 Carrots
1 Red Onion
2-4 leaves Bok Choy
Potatoes (Golden or red, NEVER brown!)
Italian Brown Mushrooms 
1 Serrano Pepper

Meat (usually boneless/skinless chicken thighs, but sometimes meatballs, steak, bacon, hamburger, etc.)
White Corn

Optional add ins:
Yellow Squash
Stewed Tomatoes
Bell Peppers
Napa Cabbage
Frozen broccoli
Whatever else is in the fridge/freezer/pantry

To cook:
Fill pot 1/2 - 3/4 with water, put on stove.  Season heavily with bouillon/dill/rosemary/own seasoning preference.  Throw oil, black pepper n salt in frying pan, put on stove.  Start cutting up hardest stuff first, throw in big pot.  When oil is hot, throw in meat, lower heat.  From here on you're pretty much alternating chopping stuff for the pot/frying pan, you want the onion/garlic in with the meat before it's all that cooked so it absorbs the flavor, but you still want veggies to go into the big pot in a timely manner.  Remember, hardest items in first, softer in last.  In the frying pan: Onion, garlic, serrano, mushrooms, breaking up meat as you go/checking for doneness.  Everything else goes in the big pot, checking the seasoning from time to time.  About 1/2 way through the veggies the meat should be about done, so just dump everything from that pan into the pot.  That should be about time for the Bok Choy/frozen corn, and pretty much the last seasoning adjustment.  The rice/spinach should be about the last, wait till the rice is cooked, then serve.  Enough for a crowd, hopefully you invested in some tupperware.

To make veggie:  No meat, if desired you can still lightly fry the frying pan items, but it's easier just to toss them into the pot at appropriate times and add some oil.  This is especially good when tomatoes/olive oil are used, but can be delicious with just the plain jane stuff too.  You can also just substitute some of that fake meat stuff you guys seem to like so much, you know how that goes better than I do.


My mom's wandering around behind me calling for her wet, naked, black dog.  In those words.

Now to clean the kitchen :(
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