(no subject)

Dec 03, 2002 13:43

1.your live journal "user name" & what it means:
when i was like 15 i switched my aol screenname over to "drsuessrox" b/c i liked dr. seuss...but unfortunately, i didn't know how to spell it. i kept it the misspelled way for EVERYTHING, that way i would only have to remember that one name. (i have since branched out and am using different screennames...but for years EVERYTHING was "drsuessrox.")

2) on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your livejournal represent who you actually are?
as far as the way i talk and my personality, its like an 8. but as far as my thoughts and feelings, its like a 5.

3) how much about your life do you post to lj?

4) is there anything you refuse to post about?
no - i can post private entries if theres something i don't feel comfortable with.

5) on a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?

6) from who/how did you find out about lj?
billyjew told me about it back when i used to keep a html updated journal on my old site (www.drsuessrox.com).

7)has anyone ever joined lj because of you?
yep. big heaping bunches of people.

8)what percent of your posts are friends only?

9) what is your favorite interest on lj?

10) Has anything on lj ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something?
not really... i'm not close minded, so theres not much rethinking needed... chances are i've already thought about a lot of the angles.

11) how often do you respond / comment on other peoples journals?
i leave between 3 and 10 new comments a day. i respond to comments when i'm in the mood to be chatty...so thats only sometimes.

12) do you prefer to write in your journal, read other journals?
i used to prefer to write. now i read my friends list ALL DAY, but update like once or maybe twice.

13) have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on lj (or did it to someone else)?
*laughs* well, i had a crazy woman mimic my entire life, including the cancer. fucked up, huh?

14) have you ever banned someone from your journal?
not that i know of. but i've banned people.

15) who are your 3 favorite lj friend(s) and why? (wtf? are you serious? suck ass. /maggie edit)
princessapril, queenveets, fweekers72, deevah, ebd21...and more. but those 5 are my main favorites.

16) how many of your LJ friends have you actually met?
people i met on lj and met... gliterybuterfly, mariposadyke, queenveets.

17) of all of the people on lj you know of, who is the most like you?
prolly princessapril, although kelly_marie is a close second.

18) why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?
either b/c they added me and i checked out their journal and found them interesting... or b/c i read some comments they posted in other journals and emailed them.

19) do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?

20) what is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?
i find them boring or annoying. or they never commented, so i never checked out their journal.

21) is your "significant other" on lj?

22) have you ever wanted to meet someone on lj?

well that was fun.
while i was filling out the survey, ginger called to tell me she's been in the hospital for a couple days and is being induced tomorrow morning.
i didn't think i was EVER gonna be an aunt, as i'm an only child.
hopefully i will get to see the little guy on wednesday or thursday, depending on how ginger is feeling.

logan's now watching baby mozart, eating kix, and playing with my keys.
life is good.
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