american gladiators.

Dec 02, 2002 12:45

logan went to bed last night at 11something.
he woke up at 830, and i gave him a bottle.
he went back to sleep and woke up at 10.
he played for 15 minutes or so and put himself back to sleep.
he woke up at 1115.
he played for 15 minutes and went BACK to sleep.
he's still asleep.

there will be NO nap for logan today.
when he gets up, he's up for the day - no nap.

i've been staying up late recently.
last night i was watching tv at 130...
...and american gladiators came on.
holy crap, there were more mullets on that show than i could count - it was amazing.

remember the american gladiator episodes of family feud?
you can still catch those episodes on game show network.

i love cable.

the neighbor kids are screaming on the top of their lungs for no apparent reason.
the neighbors told us last april or may that they were moving that summer.
6 people (4 children and 2 adults) in a 2 bedroom apartment is NOT cool.
there are times where i think that this apartment is too small for the 3 of us...
i couldn't imagine adding 3 more children to the mix.

babble babble babble.

look ma, no pics!

update:: not that it matters much, but he's up and playing (still in his crib) now...
oh! and suz, last night on american gladiators there was a contestant that looked like you! lol. her name was susan struck me as horribly funny. (c:
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