So finally, an event six years to the day in the making ...
bugamok and I are engaged! I proposed on October 1, which also happens to be her birthday. None of the details have been worked out, but we're getting there. We also convinced
fortunova that yes, we do, in fact, absolutely want her to officiate our wedding. She was there at the very beginning of our relationship, and now to have her marry us is definitely SAMMY L.-AWESOME. Hand me my vows. They're the ones that say "Bad Ass Motherfucker". (Hils is also the most legit potential officiant. She does have a master's from the U. Chicago Divinity School.)
While I'm last to post about this, I do promise an exclusive in the next 24 hours: pictures of the recently-legendary RoseArt color-your-own-crystal ring, and pictures of us (if you people *really* want to see our ugly mugs.) Also forthcoming: photos of the real ring, though those won't be in for a couple of weeks. The pieces are on order!