The Pork's Been Nudged

Jun 09, 2006 20:56

So I never realized before that you can nudge someone who hasn't updated in a while, until I got one a little while ago from fortunova. And while I fully admit that I have an LJ account mostly to keep tabs on my friends' lives on one convenient page, yeah, okay, I'll post something about my life, too.

Nosy bastards.

Last night was a good night for my sleep-talking. For those who don't know, I'm a notorious sleep-talker, apparently sometimes speaking more clearly (though about as sensibly) as I do when I'm awake. Well, the ante's been upped, folks: apparently I do accents, too.

To start the night off, in a Sean Connery-esque voice: "Hmmmm, hmmmm... Indeed. Someday. ... And a side of your mother!"

And later, in a Monty Python style British accent: "Doth thou need batteries with that?"

This past weekend I was lucky enough to participate in Portland, Maine's first 48 Hour Film Project. (Take a peek at A friend and former co-worker gave me a call at the last minute to join his team, and it worked out really well. I mostly came in as a "closing editor", first cutting the dream sequences, then assembling, modifying and polishing the film based on group input as much as possible during the last 12 hours or so. I'm pretty happy with the results, and met a slew of other great people in the process. My only complaint is I wish the film's framework could have been more fine-tuned; there's a lot of footage that's pretty, but it was shot randomly. Hopefully we'll get a copy up on the Intarwubs pretty soon so y'all can get yer gobs on its unstructured goodness.

Speaking of cool people, one of the team members is also a part of this comedy troupe. I want these guys in a film of mine someday. Take a look:

Bloody hell, put a couple drinks in me and stick me at a keyboard and I won't shut up! Until next time, comrades.
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