Wow, that was really funny. I just got back from one of my cousin's soccer games, and they lost pretty bad, but that's not the funny part. The funny part was when I almost got kicked out of the game. The ref was calling a bunch of ridiculous stuff on them, which is fine if it goes both ways, but the other team seemed to be getting away with murder. Sometimes he'd even call penalties again the Puma's (my cousin's team) for things that should have gone against the other team. The best was when he called a penalty against them when a girl on the other team tripped and fell! If I were on the other team, I'd just start falling over. Anyways, the parents (and I) were getting upset, so I did what I usually do at sporting events: boo the ref. He did not seem to appreciate this, though, because he stopped the game and told the parents to watch it. "The girls are going to reflect your attitude." Man, I really wanted to let out another boo. Can you even get kicked out of a soccer game? I mean... there's not anything to kick me out of. It's a field. Just to clarify, I was not the only one boo'ing. Well, I was the only one boo'ing, but the parents were heckling by using real phrases such as, "Oh Come ON!" and "You're really gonna call that?!" It was exciting. Sadly, no one was ejected.
Then, to top the whole day off, my aunt and uncle went to get haircuts and asked me to drive my cousin home. I agreed, but since I don't know how to drive a stick shift, they took the mini cooper, while I drove my cousin home in the mini van. Yeah. I was big pimpin' in the mini van. Driving the kids home from soccer. My life is awesome.
-Mike Sherry
Here's your moment of zen.