Sad Tidings.

May 29, 2007 10:28

So here's the deal. My laptop gave out on me. The logic board somehow got fried... maybe in the x-ray machine at the airport? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, really, but there's a chance that a stray x-ray could have overloaded something and caused the thing to go kaput (that's the technical explanation that we use in "the industry"). Probably, it just got bounced around funny and now it's broken. I'm getting it fixed because its my only window to the outside world around here, but it'll take a little while. Here's a copy of the explanation that I wrote in a recent email.

Ugh, so my laptop broke. I brought it into the apple store yesterday to see what they said and the "genius" ran through some "tests" which involved trying to turn it on, seeing if the battery had power, trying to use an external monitor (all of which I did at home) and then a couple other things I didn't have the equipment to do. I realized that they're using the term "genius" pretty loosely for their tech support staff and if I were someone that actually had a genius IQ, I'd be pissed. Unfortunately, I am not a real genius, nor an apple genius, so I had to sit there and watch him do all this. At the end, he informed me that my iBook is "broken". *sigh* The term "it doesn't take a genius to figure that out" applies quite literally here. Anyways, I'm gonna send it in and it'll take like 3 to 10 days... blah blah blah... It sucks not having a computer... or friends... I have nothing to do at night now. On the bright side, the "genius" found out that my battery was part of a recall and they're replacing that for free which is awesome because a new battery costs like $130. The repairs are going to be about $190, so... I figure it's only a net loss of $60.

...and that's pretty much it. My only internet access is at work which means no myspace (since it's filtered out as pornography 90% of the time I try to sign on) so if you were planning on sending me a message on myspace, I won't be able to get it most likely. Try my email ( or here or my cell phone if you need to get in touch.

Other than that, my weekend was good. Grandma turned 80. Jesse White showed up at the restaurant where we were having the dinner and hung out with the family for a bit which was completely random. Got to see Juli and Dan and Charlie and Brandon and Hannemann and Bonnie. Good people.

I shouldn't spend too much time blogging at work so that's all for now. Talk to you soon. Oh and this lack of internet should make you all miss me even more and call me because I'm making you feel guilty about it now.

-Mike Sherry
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