Vacation 2010

Jul 16, 2010 11:21

We leave tomorrow for vacation. Lara and I have been getting ready all week long but there is still a lot left to do. I haven't got very much sleep this week and I am in need of a good long vacation.

Tomorrow morning we will pack the car and drive 10 hours to Toledo, Ohio and stay there for the night. Sunday morning we are off again for a 4 hour drive. The next stop is Sears, Michigan where we will stay for the next 10 days.

My family owns a small cottage on a lake in Sears. It is a very small town with about 1000 people in it. Most of them are farmers and/or Amish. It is very quiet and far away from any big city. The nights are cool and the temperatures during the day are a lot better than North Carolina.

I downloaded the Live Journal app for my phone and hopefully I will be able to use it to upload some pictures and post some updates.

While at the cottage I hope to get some reading in and some much deserved sleep. I'm also planning on walking around the lake a few times. It is a 4 mile walk around the entire lake and I could really use the exercise. Hopefully I will get a chance to walk it everyday so long as we have good weather. I'm also looking forward to doing some swimming and maybe some fishing.

After the 10 days in Sears we will be heading back to Toledo to spend a few days with friends and family. On Saturday, July 31 we will get back in the car and head back to NC. Then it is back to work on the following Monday.

We are not taking the cats with us. They are going to stay with Lara's parents. That should be interesting. Lara's parents have a dog and a cat and also take care of Lara's sister's dog 3 times a week. Kitten Mittens doesn't like change. It takes her awhile to get use to new environments. On the other hand, Sweet Dee seems to adapt quickly. I'm going to miss those 2 while I'm gone.

As for Kiesha, she will be with me the entire trip. She is 15 years old and 4 months. I took her to the vet the other day for her regular check up and she is doing fine. They took some blood work and I should have the results later today. Hopefully everything is fine.

I just need to get through today at work and then I'm off for the next 2 weeks.
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