Trying to end my LJ hiatus

May 20, 2010 13:10

It has been so long since my last update. I have been religiously reading everyone's posts and staying active in the communities that I belong. I just haven't been updating my journal. I would like to touch on some events over the last few months.

New roof on the house. It looks really good and it is one less thing I have to worry about for awhile. I paid for it out of pocket and in the end it cost just over 3K. Here it is:

Same job. I absolutely hate my job. I have had a few interviews over the last couple months but none of them have turned into a new position. One of the positions was with the American Red Cross and I really wish that they would have offered the job to me. It came down to me and one other person. We were equally qualified. The only thing he had over me was that he had worked for the Red Cross about 5 years back. I have a couple of interviews next week but they are both with calibration labs. I don't want to stay in the calibration world and would love to get back into the engineering side of things. I'm over qualified for both of the positions and I do not think they will offer me a salary anywhere close to what I want. The interviews would be good practice but I also don't want to waste their time by interviewing for a job I don't want. Kind of confused on what I should do.

Lara and I are still doing well. The school year will be ending for her in the next couple of weeks. Her sister is getting married in June which will have us in Atlanta for a weekend. We have planned our vacation to Michigan for the last 2 weeks in July. I'm really looking forward to getting up there.

Kiesha and Kitten Mittens are still at with me. A few weeks ago I adopted another kitten. My nephews found it in the road and my sister would not let them keep it. So now I have 2 young cats and a 15 year old dog (Kiesha turned 15 on March 3, 2010). Here are a few photos of the animals.
The new kitten (we don't have a name for her yet):

Kitten Mittens and her new friend:

Kiesha on her birthday:

I have had a whole string of medical problems over the last month. Some of the things were problems that I knew about but I have put off for several months/years. In the last month I have spent $500 on co-pays and medications but everything is starting to come around.

So there is an update of things with me. I hope to start updating at least once a week. I hope everyone is doing well.
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