What a day.

Mar 03, 2009 22:36

The day started out fine. Lara and I got up, got ready for work, and headed off to work for the day. I got to work just after 8:00 AM.

Around 2:00 PM I was told that I had to go on an emergency call to the Lexington Water Treatment Plant. The engineer who normally handles this call came into work and told me this news. He had been on the phone with the customer all morning but couldn't solve the problem. He got to work 1:00 (yes, this guy normally gets to work some time after noon) and waited until 2:00 to tell me. He said he had a dentist appointment this afternoon and that is why he couldn't go.

I was a bit angry because he knew someone was going to have to go and he knew he couldn't go. Oh, and he waits until 2:00 to tell me that I have to go. Lexington, NC is about 1 and half hours from where I live and farther than that from where I work. Also, this engineer gets a company vehicle and I have to drive my own car to calls like this.

Since I was in the middle of something that I couldn't drop immediately, I didn't leave for this call until 3:30. I got to Lexington WTP at 5:15. The whole job took just over 2 hours but I got them back up and running. After I checked out with the customer and got in my car it was 7:40. I got home from work at 9:05 PM. That was a long day.

In other news, Kiesha goes to the vet tomorrow morning for a re-check. They are going to do another round of blood work. Hopefully we will see signs of improvement. Kiesha has been feeling much better. She has been eating, has had more energy, and is just acting like her normal self. I'm so happy that she is doing well.

kiesha, work

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