People magazine and many more updates!!!

May 01, 2004 17:35

I can't believe it's already May, man this year is going by fast! Today for the first time in probably two weeks I am just at home relaxing, lol. I know it seems like I have been updating about Ocean's 12 mostly, but that's cause my life seems to have been consumed by that, lol. The cast & crew have left Chicago and are off to Europe, so it's back to the reality of Chicago, doesn't feel like Hollywood anymore here, lol.

Thursday I had my second to last final and it went pretty well. KEL & Molly went to the Oprah studios to try to get in since Brad Pitt was on, but they didn't make it with the standby line. It's quite ok to them now cause what happened afterwards made up for it, lol. As Brad was leaving Oprah in his big black limo, he stopped the limo for them! They had a sign that said "#1 Brad fan, please stop" and although it was just a cardboard sign and you would think he might not even see it or pay attention, he did see it! He was halfway in the street and he told the driver to stop, rolled the window down and told them to come over! They shook his hand and got pics with him! I wish I could have been there, but I had my final and then I had to take the train home and pick my Dad up from the airport. I'm so happy for KEL though especially cause it was a perfect ending to the whole O12 adventure, out of a movie the way it happened, haha.

So then on Friday, we found out that our picture with Matt Damon is in the new issue of People Magazine, the 50 most beautiful issue with Jennifer Aniston on the cover! I look really dumb cause my hair is blowing in my face cause of the wind, so you can't really see my face, but oh well, lol.

Last night KEL & I were supposed to meet Abe & Coral from Inferno, I really wanted to meet Abe and represent for Shilps cause she couldn't be there, plus not of age, lol, but their appearance was cancelled and is supposed to be rescheduled. While we were downtown though, we ran into Brad from Real World San Diego, lol. He was really cool and nice, he looked good and was nice and tan! Oh and on Wednesday night we saw Rachel from Road Rules Campus Crawl and the Gauntlet walking down Michigan Ave shopping, lol. She was really nice and it was weird to see her just walking in Chi-town with her friends, cause I don't think she's from here, so maybe she was just visiting friends.

My big sister & 4 year old nephew are coming into town tomorrow from NY for my graduation and to just visit. I have off until next Thursday when I'll talk my last final ever, then I've got a busy couple days with the J.C. concert and my graduation! I'm so excited!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

P.S. Thanks to my partner, PI for EVERYTHING!!!!!
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