not only in the audience for a change

Nov 24, 2007 13:20

james has thankfully kick started and organised a nice lounge room / backyard gig for himself, some friends and i to play at. should be good, i'm looking forward to it.

for details, check out my music myspace:

or the website:

to save me writing about things multiple times, all of my musical endeavours will be kept updated and online at (hopefully) both of those sites. it also saves me from having to promote myself, which i hate doing. so this is the last you will hear of about it here!

in other music related news, ash naylor said goodbye to the rainbow last night as part of the final 2 week celebrations. very sad to see the rainbow go, after 13 years of daily live music (usually free) it's a huge blow to melbourne's music scene.

and some not-so-new news that may be news to some, the tote is going to be sold to the owners of bimbo's (punters club) and lucky cock (duke of windsor) within the next 2-3 years. 3 melbourne music venues taken out by the one company in the space of about 5 years. i can't accuratley convey how utterly crushed and angry i am at these turns of events. this company must be nothing short of the minions of lucifer himself. i heard that the tote will hopefully move it's operation somewhere in brunswick, better than nothing.

if you want to say goodbye to the rainbow still, i recommend this coming tuesday night where jimmy stewart will play his last tuesday of more than 50 at the rainbow.

hope you all voted greens!
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