Jun 28, 2010 18:30
Is Facebook down, or is something wonky with my computer?
I'm exhausted today. I've been exhausted since I got back from my L.A. trip. Did I get too much sleep while I was on vacation? Is that why 6.5 hours is suddenly not sufficient for me to operate as normal, because that hasn't been a problem in ages.
Or is it the heat? It's been sweltering for the last 2 weeks. Today it finally rained and the temp supposedly dropped to 75 degrees, but upon leaving work I noticed no such thing. Frankly, I'm a bit miffed.
Also, the weather is making me very dull, very dull indeed. It's so hot I just want to lounge around like a cat all day, though I need to clean and work on my novel (up to chapter 5 so far--good god, it takes a long time to write a novel while also holding down a full-time job).
And that friends, is my life lately. Woot.