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Apr 05, 2010 23:45

Uh, I have Degler to finish. :D Screw me, it's 11:30 at night and I'm one section and vocabulary away from being done but no, I have to procrastinate more, don't I?

In any case, my father came home from China today! 

He got me 1 Litre of Tears (the Chinese DVD ahaha) so now I can watch Ryo on the big TV downstairs. While it is not particularly gorgeously packed, as in China they give you seriously a thin cardboard wrapping and plastic with the DVDs inside, it is still beautiful and Ryo's face is on the cover. As is Sawajiri Erika's, and I am unopposed to that. :D

And then he randomly goes, "oh, I have some more for you!" and we sift through the massive pile of Chinese dramas for the Japanese ones. I have another copy of Nana now as well as the sequel, Dance Subaru, Okuribito, some other random Japanese dramas that I have heard of. And then my father says, "Do you know this one? Left Eye Detective?"

...yeah, I shrieked a little and inwardly went, "oh hey, Yamada." I'm more excited for Yoko, but still. <3

Later, as I was going through the rest of the dramas with my mother, there was one with a girl in a sailor fuku on the cover, and I picked it up to see. Lo and behold, Kame's face staring back at me from the side with Pi next to him. XD;; You can't blame me for not recognizing it earlier; Maki had shorter hair and was wearing a white uniform. In any case, I shrieked yet again and scared my mother.

idek, it's all worth it. The sad thing is that I can't really watch anything until the summer. Which is just as well because only a few of them have English subtitles and I doubt they're very good English subs, and I can't read Chinese very well. I have to crank my way through these raw.

btw I totally found a ripoff of Dragon Zakura in the Korean pile, as well as a random one called You're Beautiful and OB GY. I can't understand Korean or read Chinese, so the English subs will have to do. (maybe they'll be kind and give me pinyin subs?)

I have yet to tell my parents that I could totally find these online and download them. They probably know. Oh well, it's nice to actually own them, even if they are Chinese versions and not the most awesome things in the world. Plus it gives me an excuse to blow Ryo's face up really big on the TV. That's always a good thing. :D

Also, I was checking my flist on my dad's laptop after dinner because I was too lazy to connect mine to the internet, and my dad comes over and sits next to me. At the very bottom of the screen is the top half of an icon of Yamada and Chinen making fish faces at the camera and he asks, "is that you and Amanda?"


tl;dr I now own 1 Litre of Tears and other dramas, I fangirl a lot, and my dad can be amusing sometimes. Also, Gen, I have a Fahrenheit CD for you.

Also, I've had this really bad cough lately. I don't think I'm sick because I feel completely fine other than the cough (which is rattling and randomly surfaces every few minutes), and my throat doesn't even hurt. It's a pretty deep cough, which sucks because it means it'll take a while to go away. I have become well acquainted with the taste of phlegm over the past few days though. Yum. :|

Maugh, now to download Tatta Hitotsu no Koi or Eito's countdown live? (or finish Degler, but hey, whatever works)

rose is lame, degler makes me want to kick things, jdramas, rose fangirls like crazy, rose is a girl - fact, wtf life, i talk about gen too much, rose is sick again, i call him ryoface

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