something i posted on myspace if anyone cares

Nov 14, 2005 14:45

So... here we go again.

I dont understand people. They are all the psychos in this world and i seem to be one of the only sane ones. Why does everything have to be sexy? Does no one realize that sex drugs and rock & roll will be the downfall of this egotistical country? Everything has to be hip and sexy and whatever, i hate it. Our world is slowly collapsing around us because no one cares about the ones sitting next to them! Everyone (it seems) cares about money, sex, power, and subconsiously corruption of everyone around them. No one can see through any defenses we put up because they are scared that the person underneth will reflect themselves so perfectly that they will never be sane again! If they ever even were. i hate all of you people and i hope you all die! If i were the last one on the planet, you dont even know how happy that would make me.Damn society and all the damage you've done. humans aren't even animals anymore, we are our own kingdom, Seperated into the sub groups margially functional, drones, thinkers, doers, liars, and geniuses. the funny thing is i still think i don't fit into any of these. So we'll add another one: Alicia's. *sigh* do i really want to fit in? is belonging really so important to me? as much as i don't like it, i would rather belong than be an outcast.
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