A.B.C-Z Concert!!!!!

May 01, 2013 11:16

Ok, so I've had a day to process all of my feels, and I figured I should really write this before I see embujou tonight, when I will be filled with lots and lots of feels \(//∇//)\  I ended up going to both the Sunday and the Monday shows, and since I didn't write down stuff that happened in the first show, probably this is going to end up a mix of what happened in both shows XD  Also, I can't quite remember the set list, so the accuracy will probably not be very good XD

To start, we got up early-ish on sunday to go to the venue and line up for goods.  Me and Rebecca got there around 10:50-ish and the goods line was seriously a lot longer then I thought it was going to be :3  Kiri arrived some time later, like 11:50, and then we proceeded to wait in line together.  The goods line opened at 12, but we were a decent way back in line and had to wait like a half hour until we finally got to the register.  I ended up getting probably way too many goods, but it was hard not to in the moment!! I got the pamphlet, penlight, phone case, fumi photo set, fumi uchiwa and fumi/group clearfile. Everything was so pretty, it was difficult not to get everything!!

Then, we had some time to kill, so we walked around Harajuku, which was seriously packed!! It made sense, since it was Sunday and golden week.  But we ended up walking down, and looking in some of the papa shops, which are seriously dangerous places.  In the one, they had those coin machines that you can put your money in and get a key chain.  They had a snow man, 4U., and ebi ones.  I seriously have the worst luck with them, as I got gocchi or puppy every freaking time DX  rebecca somehow had really good luck, and got me a tatsu, fukka, and a tsuka-chan one that had a tsuka-chan/fumi on one side :3  Then, Rebecca tried to do the junior one just to see who she would get, and ended up getting Fu.  This one girl who was sitting there got really excited and asked us who we liked, I said Keigo, and then Rebecca said kishi, so the girl traded Fu for a kishi one she had XD  And in one of the shops, Kiri found a fumi and a yamapi poster she really wanted (so now she has one of all of her biases :3)  Then we were hungry, so we got some food.  it was at this point that me and Rebecca finished our handmade uchiwas, I made a fuji/masuda ryo one and she made a Tottsu one.  (she was going to have Sanada!Shoki, real name Hanzawa Akatsuki but we always just call him sanada!shoki, on the other side, but I guess his kanji was too complicated for her to want to cut it out XD).  After we finished, we made sure we had everything, like tickets and such, and then I realized I had grabbed the kismai j-ticket confirmation page, and not the ebi one DX  I ran back to my room, all the way in Ikebukuro and get it.  Luckily, I still had plenty of time, so it wasn't that big of a deal, but still, I could have kicked myself >.<

Then, when I got back, it was already almost time to line up and get my ticket.  For the sunday show, we were all scattered around the arena, as we had bought our tickets separately.  My ticket was really good, first level 6th row!!!

That pillar thing with the star up top was a swing, and before the first concert started, I was seriously eyeballing it thinking "do i want to know what they're going to do on these things D:"  (answer, was no, I really didn't).  The girls next to me were gocchi fans, and there were a bunch of really vocal like chibi junior fans behind me.  For Monday's show we were sitting all together so it was so much more fun!!  We were at the second level row 9, which actually weren't too bad of seats.

Anyway, I had to wait, what seemed like FOREVER, but the lights dimmed and then it was time for the show to start!  They played a little intro video of ebi rehearsing for the show, and them getting ready back stage.  And then 5 stars started playing!!!!  I didn't know where to look, so I looked at the main stage, but they weren't there, then I looked in front of me in the middle stage and I saw sparkly gold and feathers coming up in the middle stage.  I was seriously so happy they started with 5 stars because it is just such a good song and instant feels booster!!!  It was so much fun doing the dance with them!!!  By the second verse they had left the middle stage to go everywhere else AND FUMI CAME OVER TO MY SIDE!!!! I seriously teared up a little, because FUMI was RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME AND SO CLOSE AND JUST gjdhagjkhfdsajkghafkhg  Of course for the entirety of the concert, he pretty much looked every direction but where I was XD;;;;

Then the went to the left main stage and finished 5 stars, did a little dance break and started singing zutto love!!  This time tottsu and tsuka-chan (? I can't remember) came over to my side.  I saw tottsu do his super high kick right in front of me and it was beautiful *______* Again, doing the dance with them was so much fun!! Next they sang........ I think it was freedom? There might have been a song before that :/a  I can't remember XD;;; but that is where they went up to the second level, puppy was on my side.   fumi and tottsu disappeared to get changed. Then they came back in their first concert, really unflattering robe things XD  They stopped halfway and had everyone turn their penlights to red, and then off then separated the audience into different colors.  So tottsu's side upper level was pink, and fumi said something like "Kamura Takuya upper level" XD and they were purple, then my section was yellow, then fumi said "matsumoto jun's lower level" and they were red, then the middle section was blue.  Then they did a wave from tottsu's side to fumi's  It was so much fun!! Then they finished the song and went to the main stage and took off their robes and were in the new red outfits and sang crush!!! which made my heart so happy!!! Crush is seriously one of my favorite songs ever!!!  They might have sang something else, but the next song I remember is Ashita no tame ni bokura ga iru.  Here, they sat on the swings and swung back and forth.  Fumi and Tsuka-chan were on my side, and of course, Fumi was on the swing to the right of me and facing the opposite direction the entire time.  I also noticed fumi got on the swing way before everyone else XD  Then the puppy disappeared, as they finished the song a cappella, it was seriously so beautiful ;A;

Then it was time for puppy's solo, which is same as he sung in Summary.  He wore this white and yellow sweat shirt thing.  The dance was super cool!!  He also did this bit with lasers that looked really cool from where I was sitting!! That song is seriously catchy!!!  After that they did crazy accel, with tottsu and gocchi in their orange/star shirt outfits on the right main stage, and then fumi and tsuka-chan in their blue outfits.  Puppy came out and I think he was in the orange outfit.  After the song, tsuka-chan tried to kiss puppy on the mouth and was unsuccessful XD  Next it was Tsuka-chan's solo, and I think he sang 99%Liberty (I think that's what the title is XD:::) And it was really awesome!! I really love his singing voice!!  Halfway through, he literally backflipped pretty much the entire length of the arena, it was seriously impressive to watch!!! (I think I read he did 17 backflips in a row, and he did 21 on Monday, fumi came out and said that he counted).  Then he immediately went from that to doing the swinging rope thing, then finished singing.

Next Fumi came out in those flower pants and white shirt, hat and sunglasses, with Masuda Ryo and Casey Anderson and did a corner where ebi has to say stuff.  So Sunday's theme was cute sleepy words, or something like that.  He made Casey Anderson go first, and he said soothing like "My left elbow" Then everyone had a chance to go, I honestly can't remember anything that was said other then Tsuka-chan said something weird and asked for another try and then failed again, and fumi took his sunglasses off and said something XD  next it was time for his solo, which he said he wrote himself and spent a lot of time on it.........like 30 minutes XD  Basically it was just him listing all the prefectures then the chorus is just "Tokyo, tokyo, tokyo, tokyo" XD  He even did a call and response with him being like "say tokyo" "TOKYO" it was stupid fun.  Then he disappeared and came back in a purple leotard and yellow skirt thing X3 My instant reaction was FUMI TATSU!!!! >.<

Next the the introduced the guests which were Shori, Kismai and Sakamoto, puppy kind of just flung a DVD into sakamoto's hands, it was really cute.  then went into to dancing a little which turned into twinkle twinkle.  Puppy tottsu and fumi all sang a little of the song a cappella and it was really beautiful.  They had microphone stands that were lit up in their proper colors, and they were wearing their twinkle twinkle outfits.  This song was fun because they had the audience sing the "ABC la la la la" part, and it was just so beautiful.  For the individual parts, gocchi and his juniors danced around the microphone stand. Fumi, masude ryo, and casey anderson, got on the floor and stacked their heads up like kismai do in whatever that is XD  I forget what tsuka-chan did, but Tottsu crouched down and had both of his juniors get on his back, while fumi was like "dekiru? dekiru?" and then when he went to lift them, he fell down XD Puppy I think skipped around with his juniors XD Next they sang attraction, maybe?  And then at the end they took off their jackets and did the star wheel!! I was basically blinded by how sparkly everything was, their twinkle outfits, the wheel everything was just sparkles and rainbows and FEELS.

Next was the MC part, and they went over and talked to the guests first.  I think they might have started with shori, then basically just fuji went and talked to every member of kismai, He started with Nika, then went to yokoo (who looked fantastic) then senga, and fujigaya, then tama. Next he went over to Kitayama, who was busy looking at the DVD with Sakamoto, and gave fumi a "what do you want look" then at some point fuji told kitayama that he was really short, which Kitayama was basically like "you're one to talk" and then they started comparing heights and trying to make themselves look taller, and kitayama was like, well you have a long face.  Then fumi went over to sakamoto and was being really polite with him, and asked why he was there, and he was like "well, tottsu came to our concert and told us to come" X3  he also made fun of fumi for introducing himself as matsumoto jun and kamurai takuya X3  Then they were about to leave and saw miyachika and talked to him a little. Then they went up to the main stage and talked about the JJ and fumi brought up how useless gocchi is XD they also announced that they would be at the HSJ tokyo dome concert and would perform a new song (which means, I now have to go >.>) Oh yeah, miyata came in halfway through the mc, so fumi ran over so miyata could say stuff, but at first fumi ran pasted the guess section and miyata was all like "hey! over here".

After the MC it was Tottsu's solo, and he sang the song he wrote with akkun for summary, that didn't make it on the DVD.  At the beginning he ad-libbed some stuff about kismai.  He was wearing some ridiculous hat and a bandana X3 I really like the song though :3  Next was gocchi's solo and he sang something, I can't remember the title.  he did a really cool dance though!! and this part with the screen where it was like an outline of all the poses he was doing.  It was seriously awesome!!!  Next they came out and sang Star Seeker in their A.B.C-Z (the song!) outfits, I was so happy I got to see them perform this live!!! Next they did A.B.C-Z, puppy's outfit didn't work the first day, halfway through the song, they switched and started singing bokura ~love & peace~ with the ball thing again.  that was seriously really pretty to watch, because they were all lit up and spinning around in the ball, and the lights were all down, it was so cool!!! Then after they finished that, they went back and finished A.B.C-Z (the song!)

Next it was the juniors turn to sing. I remember they sang will, and I was sad they didn't run over and make sakamoto sing with them XD  Then it was time for them to do the swing thing, which was seriously like O_________O  Basically the set up was that they were standing on the swing, and were strapped in, and they were trying to do a full rotation.  It did not look that safe.  On sunday, I had Tottsu and Gocchi doing it right in front of me, and being that close just looked so dangerous.  But, I love how ebi are always trying new, dangerous-looking, things.  On sunday only Tsuka-chan managed to get all the way around, but monday, everyone, but fumi, managed to get all the way around.

Next they pretty much sang every song they had (with the exception of Beat Mind hmmmmph)  desperado was super awesome live!! Puppy also came out in the pink outfit and sang genkai meter, which made me really happy and filled me with feels.  They ended the show with the dream song, which was lovely.  After a little bit of us shouting encore they came back and sang the runaway song, and halfway through made all the guests come out and walk around with them.  Then after introducing the juniors, and the guests again, fumi was like, "well, we're all here, we should do something" and then THEY STARTED SINGING DAYBREAKER!!! It was seriously just like ;A;  They even sang the second verse, and it was so cute because they totally forgot the lyrics X3 Tsuka-chan and Senga totally were like robot dancing too XD  Then they walked around again, and my impressions are that Fujigaya is pretty tall, Tama has a really flat face and kitayama is REALLY short XD

For Monday's show, I have to admit I was much more excited about the guests because it was SNOW CHILDREN and yabu, morita myuto and yasui kentaro.  When they went over to talk to guests, Fumi went right for fukka, who then introduced himself as "Kawai Fumito's number one fan" I honestly don't know what else was really said, because I was too busy freaking out, all i know is that fumi started bullying fukka like crazy and it was just so adorable!!! Then he went over and talked to yasui kentaro, and then iwamoto, then they were about to leave when Yabu was all like "hey you missed me" so fumi reluctantly gave him the mic, and yabu introduced himself as "A.B.C-Z-tan" X3 I COULD NOT WITH THE ADORABLE  Also, they entire time they were talking, puppy sat himself next to watanabe X3 Then when they went to leave, fumi started heading towards the center stage and was like "wait, what am I doing" and started walking to the main stage.  When they got there, tottsu randomly set his mac down and did a back handspring into a backflip.  Everyone was like "What are you doing? you surprised me" XD

The this MC was just crazy, they talked about JJ, and I guess puppy got really angry at some point, and how they were amazed that they could fit a whole day's work into just a couple of minutes, because apparently they did a lot more then was shown.  Then they started taking polls with the audience using the penlights.  LIke if like guys with darker skin, or if you want kawai fumito to keep talking XD  After it was decided that we all wanted him to keep talking, FUMI DID A TATSU IMPRESSION AND MY FEELS WENT CRAZY.  Of course, this prompted gocchi to do a fumi impression XD then the puppy did one, then tsuka-chan did one, and then fumi shut it down before tottsu could do one XD Then tsuka-chan started doing impressions of all the members, it was really cute!! Then they showed the bbj clip, and fumi kept doing his bad boys impression, I think gocchi went over and was like, not yet XD  Then fumi was like, "we have an announcement.  In October......................it's my birthday" XD XD but then they announced that they were going to do their own stage play again, and that they were going to write it themselves X3  I can't wait to see what they're going to do!  Oh yeah, and when puppy was telling us to watch BBJ, he totally messed up the time, and he made a really cute face.  And then it was really quiet, and fumi was walking over to the side we were sitting on, and since everyone was still sitting and had their penlights of, me and kiri turned ours on, which were on the purple star, and started waving them frantically at him, AND HE NOTICED LOOKED UP AT US AND WAS LIKE "Ah, doumo." AND WAVED AT US GJFHGJFSHGJEHGKJHSFGHSEKJHGFSDHFGSE  It seriously made me so happy, since the day before he had almost noticed me once, unitl some kismai member distracted him. but just gkldshgdhuifawdiuaghda;sphgfaqfdlsh

Also for Monday's show, Puppy sang a new song (at least I'm pretty sure it was new)  and i think he was nervous about singing it, because he kept messing up the lyrics and his voice wasn't as even as it normally it.  It was a slower song.  I honestly have no idea what the title of it was.  Then, they pretty much cam right back out to do an encore, and same runaway again, and made all the guests come out with them. OMG snow children were being SO CUTE.  They were properly waving their hands and trying to get the audience all pumped.  IT WAS JUST SO CUTE!!!!  Then, after they did introductions, they were like, "what can we do with these members? Something from Johnny's world?" so they decided to do the welcome to planet, or whatever that song is called, and fumi was like, "can everyone do it? is everyone ok?" then looked at yasui kentaro and was like, "I'm not sure about this one" and yasui insisted he could do it.  Omg Fukka was being so cute, because you could tell he didn't remember and was looking frantically at everyone else to see what to do, he even missed a spin at the very end X3.  Then they went to the center stage, and ebi seriously started dancing, and everyone was freaking out.  Then Yabu came to the center and was singing and dancing in his old man kind of way.  It was just so awesome!!!  Then when they were walking around, ebi split up and half went to one side and the other half when to the other, and snow man weren't sure which way to go, so they all made a move like they were going to the one side, but then all but Fukka and Morita decided to go the other way.  It was cute, they were all laughing and waving at fukka X3  So it ended up that Fukka, Morita Myuto, tottsu, tsuka-chan and yabu came on our side. X3  The way fukka waves is super cute, by the way X3

And then, they left, and we all shouted encore, so they came back and sang twinkle twinkle again, and this time when they did their solo parts, Fumi did a really fast version of his MatsuJun wish impression X3  he had also done his Kame impression at some point during the concert.  It was just so awesome, and I really didn't want the concert to end, ever ;A;

For me, the second concert was just so much better then the first one.  I feel like the energy in the arena was better, and ebi were just so much better that day, even if they sounded terrible for the first couple of songs (well, mostly fumi sounded horrible for the first couple of songs X3).  Plus they did so much more with the penlights and just really seemed to be enjoying themselves.  It was seriously just so awesome!!! I still can't believe I got to see them, in real life, and watch their concert and it was my first johnny's thing ever and just it makes me so happy!!!  Ebi are seriously the best, and I really hope that it gets put on DVD so I can remember it forever, because it was seriously just the best!!!!

Oh yeah, and after the first show, I bought the DVD again, so I could get the bracelet (which says, from fumito kawai on the inside X3), and then they gave you a ticket and you could try your luck to win the towel, AND SOMEHOW I won the towel!!!! I think my feels helped with that X3

Also, The first day I caught a handful of streamers, it was so pretty X3

Anyway, that was pretty much it.  I know I left out a lot, but it was overwhelming watching them, and they were just so awesome a pretty and rainbows and sparkles X3

snow children, a.b.c-z, concert, ebi is made of magic

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