Nov 20, 2006 18:52
I feel gross today. It's either the lack of sleep (thanks to my unavoidable nap yesterday) or the lack of a shower.
Today is boring. I got all of my psychology and sociology homework done for the semester, and I only have a couple more things to do for my English project. So the 2 final tests for psych and sociology, minor details on my final project for English, and whatever bullshit I have left to do in my computer class is all I have left for the semester. I think I only have 3 or 4 weeks left anyway.
The girls in my English class were stressing me out today. They are already in their salon classes and are close to graduating. Maybe it was just their attitude towards things...but they made me a little nervous about next semester. One girl said she doesn't even like doing hair - she wants to be a lawyer. Yet she never even comes to class, and barely graduated high school. Good luck to her. Another girl has failed the state board test twice already. I really don't want to fail that test - ever. At least I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can study a lot.
I think it's really my stupid body that's been making me crazy lately. I wouldn't be this tired or stressed about things if my body would stop being so retarded. Sometimes I wish I was a guy. I'm kinda scared about going the doctor next week.
On a brighter note, I now have a new TV, TV stand, and dresser for my apartment. Still no bed or living room furniture, but that's okay. They will come with time. Laurel was with me when I bought the TV and TV stand at Wal-Mart. That was funny. We learned that we cannot carry heavy boxes after a long day at work.
There are people putting together cubicles all over the office today. They're loud. It's irritating me.
I just realized I'm typing all scattered like my stalker does. Eeewwwww.
G and I watched this thing last night that Laura posted on myspace about this black "professor" that wants to EXTERMINATE WHITE PEOPLE. He thinks that all white people have this huge plan to kill black people. I came to work and told my darling friend Tameisha about it and she laughed and thought the same thing that I did. He's stupid. Tameisha is one of the nicest people ever. Anyway, this guy talks about how he's vegan and how he had his babies delivered at home through a midwife because he "didn't want to give white people money." What a dumbass. This guy is no better than any other person in the world. I think he believes he's the next Hitler. He probably masturbates to Hitler's pictures at night and looks at child pornography and beats his wife and kids. If anyone deserves to die, it's people like him.
It's about time for lunch.