X-mas party and all that

Dec 18, 2003 21:11

So after being really sick yesterday, I managed to crawl onto the metro to go to the Embassy. The party was actually held in the Embassador's home...that is the huge old house that in Paris, we call a 'hotel particulier'. NICE!

Everyone was so nice, it was unbelievable. Met all the staff, talked to Adrian (the Embassador) and his deputy who told me lots of interesting things...like how they've plenty of things planned for me. LOL. Apparently they're waiting for me as I'm French, as they want to strenghten the ties between New Zealand and France. In several domains, including Culture. And I'm gonna be in charge of that...WOOHOO. Isn't that the coolest thing? Then the deputy went on to say that my job will soon become the most interesting one in the whole Embassy..I was quite shocked but definitely happy!

Then Jackie, who's the First Secretary (and the one who hired me together with the Politic Officer), told my husband that they didn't have any problems when it came to choosing from the last three candidates. They both agreed on me from the start...such a nice compliment, isn't it? I was pretty much in awe the whole evening. People came with their families so there were children running around, carols sang with David (Politic Officer) playing the piano. Just plain nice. Great buffet too *grins*.

Oh and they took pictures, well Adrian did...all night. Not sure how I'm gonna end up looking but hey, we shall see!

Tomorrow it's movie time as we're going to the first showing of The Return at 10.10, then we'll come back home and put all our stuff inside the trunk to get to my parents'. And then it's birthday time...presents! *giggles excitedly* Yep, I'm just slightly hyper today, am I not? :)

Oh, and shirasade? Feel better sweetie...Just one thing I thought you'd enjoy. Today, the producers of LOTR were having lunch at the Embassy...Hearing that last night, I cursed that I wasn't already working there...I would have been invited, damn it!
Anyhow, I'm due for another colonoscopy (yucky) on Jan 8th so I'll try enjoying my vacation till then, in our cold countryhouse without central heating. *lol* Happy holidays everyone, and do take care of yourselves!
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