Suarentauro main ritual pictures

Jun 14, 2009 00:02

Okay, with permission, I'm going to post all of the photos that V's husband J took. If I can later I'll post the snippets of film that he took as well. To follow along, here is a link to the main ritual that we did:

There are a number of pictures, many of which are large. Some are blurry, but overall they're good to get the idea of what's happening. I'm putting these behind a cut. Again, the pics are large, and there are 35 of them, so if you have a slow connection it will take time to load. I've included commentary on the pics as they are posted as well, the commentary is below the picture. Please do not share these pictures outside of this LJ, out of respect for the people in the ritual. Thanks.

V has already lit the torch using the sacred flame from the hearth candle in the house. The group of us now begin Part II, the Pompe, and is progressing to the north.

The group pauses at north, while I utter the first lines to begin the Pompe. V (as FP) stands at the front of the group, followed by berkanna (as P3), webspinner1 (as A3), me (as P1), fala_ten (as A1), seraphbriar (as P2, and a bit out of line), emcic (as A2), and traderjack (who drummed to keep pace and was the audience within the sacred space for the ritual).

The group begins the procession, and is passing the east altars. V is leading with the torch. berkanna carries the wine and the milk for libations. webspinner1 carries the khernips. I'm carrying representations of the gods on a fleece; an ostrich egg for the Dioskouroi, an oak branch for Zeus, and a wooden sword made of oak for Ares. Next is fala_ten, carrying the sacrificial victims (that is, the meat, fat and bones of the three animals). seraphbriar carries the barley. emcic carries the cakes, those for us and those for the gods.

We are still in Part II, and are about to distribute the various items to the proper altars.

I pour wine into the oinokhoe, with fala_ten preparing that as part of her duties as priestess for Dionysos.

Still in Part II, emcic (also as the priest for Demeter) distributes the cakes to the south altar.

emcic distributes cakes to the west altar.

Still in Part II, fala_ten distributes the meat to the east altar.

Part III is the consecration of the sacred space. fala_ten is carrying the khernips and I'm washing my hands for purification.

Part IV. I am calling North as part of the setting of the neo-pagan altar. The cup holds earth in it with seeds that V gave to everyone as a blessing. These earthen pods were in the center of the neo-pagan altar for the duration of the ritual. As north is called, I, V, and fala_ten watch.

berkanna calls west.

We are at Part V. V has already lit the west fire, which is the hearth fire, using the sacred flame. She is now lighting the south fire, the fire of protection, with me and fala_ten watching. Notice that it is getting darker.

With the fires lit, V stands at the southwest corner tending the sacred flame.

Part VI. emcic retrieves a cup of water to take to the east altar.

Still in Part VI. berkanna makes a grain offering in the hearth fire.

Part VII. seraphbriar pours a wine libation in the hearth fire. This resulted in the fire almost going out, which prompted folks to blow on it to get it back burning good. The following two pictures are the successful efforts to ensure that the hearth fire didn't go out.

Part VIII, the lustration. V about to pass the sacred flame around the sacrificial victim for the west altar three times.

Still Part VIII. berkanna walks around the earth in the bucket three times. This is the traditional lustration. It is now nice and dark.

V now does the blessing of the sacrificial victim for the south altar, with me holding it and fala_ten looking on. I will then go walk around the earth. seraphbriar from the east altar will do the same.

Part IX. The sacrifice has been made, and now the bones, fat, and meat are being offered on the east offering fire by emcic, webspinner1, and fala_ten.

We are in Part X, the prayer for protection. Based on the fact that no one in the picture is speaking, I believe that seraphbriar must be speaking her part for this section.

We are now at Part XIII, Cakes and Ale (or the in-ritual feast). The prayers and stories have been told at this point, and the cakes have been blessed and distributed.

The really interesting thing about this picture is something I didn't notice until I'd looked at it about four times. Look at all of the orbs in that picture. I count at least 8.

Still consuming cakes.

Consuming the wine. It's at this point that folks mingle and talk. Silliness levels at this point were high, as emcic had stumbled over a mis-spelled word in Part XI and that set Raven off.

Part XV, releasing. I'm at the neo-pagan altar and appear to be releasing the gods there. Mirth is now at a high level, to the extent that seraphbriar was laughing so hard that she literally fell down laughing.

Releasing west. Note the orbs in this picture.

Part XVI. We are processing to the north to open the sacred space. I will remain at the bucket while the rest circle counterclockwise.

The space is being opened.

I stand in the center as the others process, with a goofy look on my face (looks like I'm sticking my tongue out).

Still processing.

All stand on the north as I read the final prayer.

Some very tired people as the ritual comes to a close!

These were really good pictures and captured a lot of the essence of the ritual. Thanks to J and V for taking them and getting copies to me, and to all who helped and participated. The great thing about the participants is that everyone was experienced not only in ritual, but in rituals we've all shared. This made a huge difference as I was able to trust everyone to do what they needed to do and not worry about it. Yes, we had to read from the script, but it still went fairly well and that didn't detract from the ritual.

greek, suarentauro

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