Jun 16, 2008 12:51
i'm so incredibly happy that my gpa is at a good standing right now. although i am a year behind in my schooling i try not to let that get me too down. i need to focus on knowing that i will finish school, eventually. i love something ryan told me the other day.
i don't really remember exactly what it was that he said but we were talking about school because i had just gotten a phone call from my adviser asking me why i hadn't registered yet. i was feeling a bit down that i let myself get so behind. we were talking about how people here in kingsville never understand our humor...oh! i remember now:
i told him what classes i registered for; one of them being philosophy. i'm excited to take philosophy but i always get worked up and am disappointed. it has nothing to do with my professors. i just expect that the people taking these courses will have more to say and express their opinions more than those in my other classes.
i'm usually, for the most part, wrong. people don't talk. not because their trying to understand but because...they just don't. or don't care to maybe.
so we talked about that for a while and i said something like 'even though most of them will probably get better grades then me...' and that's when ryan said one of the biggest things i appreciate most. i don't think he knows how much what he said made an impact on me.
he said that that's what's wrong with the educational system. you don't have to be smart to attain good grades. i know i'm not explaining what he said as well as he did but it was kind of like that? it made me think. just because i don't have a 4.0 doesn't mean that i'm not smart.
i know that i've said before that i do in fact hate the system. why should i feel bad because of something i took the time to do. sure, i procrastinate, but who doesn't? when i write my papers i pour myself into them. who is anyone to grade my thoughts?
i'm not saying i'm going to try and fight the system but, it's true. and with how insecure i am about how behind i am it was wonderful hearing ryan say something like that. because even though i know that he doesn't believe that i am stupid or dumb or slow or whatever, sometimes i feel like that's just what people assume of me when they hear how i'm doing in school. i feel this of everybody i meet and discuss my schooling with. i just really worry about giving off that impression.
needless to say it was something i really loved to hear, especially from him.
so that's that.