The result of your tax dollars...

Jul 17, 2008 01:14

So, this video pretty much shows the end result of the training that all those uncounted thousands of your tax dollars paid for. Well, that and months of training with my old airsoft team prior to my deployment of course.

At about 4 seconds into the video, I enter the airsoft shoot house. Over the course of the next 31 seconds, I seek out and eliminate 5 targets. The final three are taken down basically within the same room without any of the three getting a shot off at me.

This is not staged. It was a 5 on 5 game. None of my teammates managed to get within eyesight of a bad guy before the facility was cleared. I was missed entirely by the one guy (number 2 of 5) who actually got a shot off. Actually, you can see his miss riccochetting back past the camera as I am moving to engage the remaining opponents. It is, however, a pretty good training film of what NOT to do in CQB.

And thanks to a rail-mounted camera, it is now on the internet so that you can all laugh at them.
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