Hot Guy Meme

Jun 20, 2008 14:50

Stolen from malevolent73's journal... you should check out her list though - kinda funny at the end (can you tell who she likes best?)

1. Compose a list of your top ten sexiest famous men.
2. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
3. Post them in your journal/blog.
4. Tag 3 people to do the same

10. Javier Bardem - scary hairdos aside, the man is hot.

9. Hayden Christensen - Anakin wishes he looked this good.

8. Christian Bale - I doubted he would be a better Batman than Keaton; I'm glad to be wrong. :)

7. Gary Oldman - my first Hollywood crush. All about the Rosencrantz ... and Dracula (forgive the eyes in the first pic - it's a fanpic)

6. Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Daddy Winchester FTW \o/

5. Colin Farrell - tall, Irish, dark-haired, Irish, talented... did I mention Irish? :D

4. Robert Downey Jr. - like Bale, I doubted RDJ could pull off egotistical, genius-turned-billionaire Tony Stark... again, I'm glad to be wrong.

3. Jensen Ackles - whole new meaning to 'Hot Lips' (forgive the pixelation)

2. Shia LaBeouf - He's young and possibly tempestuous - but still hot.

1. Gerard Butler - Number one, need I say more?

Just a note: I take no credit for any of these pictures. They were taken by photographers who have much more skill and stronger constitutions than I do, cuz let's face it, I'd turn into a puddle on the floor if I were in the same room as any of these men. ;)

And as a closing note I need to say that while looking for pics of a few of these guys, I have noticed an inordinate number of photos where the main goal of the photographer was to throw the man in a shower, fully-clothed, and dowse him. I'll admit a few are hot but seriously...

meme, everybody!!

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