
May 07, 2007 11:21

So, I went out to see Spiderman 3 last night (after a wonderful meal at the Hungarian/French fusion resturant), and I can honestly say that it was really REALLY bad. Honestly, don't waste your money seeing it in the theaters, netflix will have it soon enough.

I won't give away any details, but here are some things to consider.
1) The acting was really poor, the small bit parts had very poor actors and actresses in it, but in addition the main characters just didn't live up to their ability. It was an obvious directing problem, and plagues the whole movie.
2) They tried to do WAY WAY too much in the movie, there were something like 4 parallel story lines, and it just wasn't done right. The movie ended up feeling like it had no motive force, rather it was dragged kicking and screaming to the outcome the writer wanted instead of flowing naturally. None of the stories were particularly good, and they all meshed with the other stories poorly. One of the stories was especially poorly integrated into the storyline, and broke continuity with the previous movies.
3) Imagine this... you are watching a sold-out movie in a theater packed with people. A climatic scene is unfolding on the screen, the HEIGHT of the movie, but then the whole theater just starts laughing. Not because it was funny, but because it is so campy, poorly done, and melodramatic. Yea, that happened three separate times in this movie, including in the climax of the whole movie. VERY bad sign right there.

Not to belabor the point, but it wasn't very good.

On to happy things, I spent most of the weekend working on Bonsai, and it was very fun. My hands are all bruised, blistered, sore, and scratched up. Makes me feel like I actually accomplished something, even if that is just making a little tree or two. I did learn an important thing last weekend though, large trees are HEAVY. So I bought a burlaped 5 foot tall Japanese maple last weekend, and thought to myself "hmmm, this is going to suck getting back up to my condo" as two strong looking guys from the garden center were struggling to get it into my car. Well I was right, it took me 45 minutes lifting the tree up 1 step at a time all the way up 2.5 flights of stairs to get it into my condo. After I got it all the way I I decided to pull out my bathroom scale and weigh it, total of 100 Lbs of very awkward weight. Well, I showed that thing, I reduced it to about 15 Lbs this past weekend, it is literally a fat trunk in a pot now, and I am going to regrow the whole tree from scratch :-D


QOTD: "With great power comes great responsibility" - Uncle Ben from Spiderman 1

movie, spiderman

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