Feb 27, 2013 08:51
1) Tomato is definitely not Virgil's friend. I've started him on steroids. Not sure it's doing much. His skin looks better but the pee/personality issues aren't.
This AM he grabbed Galen's toast and butter and cried so hard when I made him stop eating it. I agree, honey, bread and dairy are yummy. Unfortunately they don't make you feel good.
2) Today our trash truck picked up at 5:46AM. Aren't there laws about that?
3) I can hear the bus even if I'm in the shower. Sure, I was in the shower that late because Virgil got me up early so I made breakfast, packed lunches, talked with Perry about schoolwork, etc. until just before the end of breakfast time. I figured that all that was left for Brian for the next 20 minutes was socks, shoes, tooth rushing and they were starting on that. As I'm finishing up my shower Galen wanders in and assures my startled comment of, "What the bus hasn't come yet?". That, "Last I checked it was 8:18. I just need to brush my teeth and pick out a book.". Moments later I scream, "Bus!!!". Galen shots downstairs and out the door. I turn off the water and grab the only towel which is wet from Brian's shower. :( I run to the window and sure enough there's the bus pulling away from the stop after ours. I grab a dry towel from the linen closet which turns out to be too small. I go to the stairs where Brian and I argue as he claims the bus hasn't come yet. I point out I saw it. He screams at Galen for standing in the driveway watching it go buy. I stress, no Galen ran when we heard it, but it was too late. We can sum it up as me staying cool and Brian, well, not his finest parenting hour. That's a reverse. Normally I'm the one flipping out and cursing over minor annoyances while he stays zen. We need more sleep.
4) my cell phone sounds vaguely like a cow lolling. At least when it vibrates/etc in the kitchen drawer to tell me I've just received a voice mail. Fun times. It went off four times this AM or I would never have figured it out. One message from last night, 2 from Friday night, who knows when the first one is from. So, um don't leave me voice mail on my cell phone if you'd like me to get your message ASAP.
Right well I think that's all the lessons I can stand for the moment. I guess there's one small one left. I finished Candy Crush on the iPad. Now I can use the time I've spent playing that more usefully, like starring into space. LOL.
via ljapp,