Jun 27, 2012 22:05
Today's been ups and downs. We went to the pool. Galen enjoyed it. Perry spent it lying on the pool deck. Virgil was fine as long as he was in the sling and once I put him in his wetsuit. Seriously my kids have NO body fat. G & P were blue and shivering from the moment they got in and no one else at the pool had that issue.
- I don't love my water sling out of the water. It's too small width wise and it slips a bit. In the water it was great and didn't slip.
Brian's safely in Denver.
Something killed a goose hen today. It left the headless carcass.
Looking for the goose I opened the shed and found a black snake bound up in fence material. I tried for a while to cut him loose by myself while Virgil slept watched by the boys. Finally, I called a neighbor who came over and helped. Of course we had come back from swimming so I was in my pjs for all of this.
Its hard to remember all the ups and downs.
The hs track was locked but we picked some blackberries.
We were last to pickup our CSA and they ran out of all the lettuce and chard so we got extra basil,dill beets and kale - which was probably better since lettuce wouldn't have traveled well to the lake.