Apr 07, 2010 19:35
Planned Schedule for Tonight
Get Children off the bus.
Feed them dinner.
Get them dressed for Hwardo.
Run letter of support up to neighbor.
Stop at other neighbor to buy back chumetz.
Drop children at Hwardo.
Drop off van for oil change.
Call AC people -upstairs unit doesn't seem to be working.
Exchange Guinea Pigs water bottle for one w/o a leak.
Buy flour to bake bread.
If time buy more rum since we are out.
Pick up kids. Ask if they have Perry's belt.
Put kids to bed.
Actual Events
Get children off bus.
Galen has a headache and neck pain. Decide it is probably lack of sleep and not meningitis.
Get Galen settled napping.
Feed Perry dinner.
Get Perry dressed.
Get sleeping Galen dressed and hold him upright as he sways to the car and asks for dinner.
Give Galen granola bar and strawberries to eat in car.
Make it to both neighbors - Yay!
Galen vomits in van.
Pull over to side of the road and hand him a plastic bag. Realize bag has a hole in the bottom - not that it matters much given large pile already on upholstery (how much was it to upgrade to leather and why didn't I pay it?).
Call Brian to let him know he needs to leave work right now to pick up Perry in 1 hour.
Take Perry to Hwardo.
Take Galen home.
Microwave frozen chicken soup and sit w/ Galen while Ibuprofen kicks in.
Continue to reassure myself this is not meningitis.
Brian brings Perry home. Feed Brian dinner, feed Perry 2nd dinner, Galen now wants dinner and is acting 100% normal and wants all sorts of sour/acidic foods and whines when I tell him that he just vomited and he needs gentle boring foods.
Steam clean minivan.
sigh. The good news is I think this was another ate too much too fast because I was over hungry incident - so I think he has learned that staying up late makes you feel awful later. Brian stopped at the liquor store and picked up the rum. We will now steam clean the rug we spot cleaned a few nights ago that the dog peed on.
Tomorrow - 25+ chicks arrive.