This made me chuckle. Similar to the time Brian got to interview someone and they were trying to pass off Brian's PhD work as their own. Note to liers/exaggeraters check the name on the paper before your job interview. :)
Stolen from Gloria LeMay's website: My client entered hospital nearly fully dilated. Just as we got into her hospital room, the membranes released and the fluid was meconium stained. The nurse requested a 10 minute monitoring strip to check on the well-being of the baby. This seemed reasonable and the parents okayed the belts being put around the mother’s abdomen. The belts were very uncomfortable for the mother and so her husband and I anxiously watched the clock to see when the 10 minutes would be up and we could remove them.At the 10 minute mark, I went to get the nurse. She was talking on the phone and motioned to me that she’d be right there. Another 10 minutes passed and the father took the belts off his wife. Just then, the nurse walked in and she was furious that he had done that. She said that she needed to do more monitoring because the baby did not look good at the beginning of the strip. The father said “The reason the tracing was poor then is that you were moving the electrode around looking for the baby’s heart, but once you found it, the heart rate has been in the normal range.” The nurse’s response was “Sir, I think I know a little bit more about these machines than you do and I think this baby is showing signs of distress.” The father said “No, I happen to design and build this type of equipment and I wouldn’t use this piece of junk to even test another piece of equipment.” It turned out that he was some kind of engineering genius at our local university.