Tragedy Strikes on Christmas Day...

Dec 25, 2006 14:33

So a few hours ago Nemesis, my cat, started kneeling intently in the hallway, not moving or being distracted for anything. It took us a while, but finally we noticed the strange behavior and, upon investigation, found that there was a little field mouse cowering in a corner, hiding for its life. For its part it was doing a good job of hiding because while Nemesis knew it was somewhere around the area, she didn't know exactly where he was. After much debate I decided I couldn't in good conscience let the cat keep tormenting the mouse and I couldn't help the cat eat the mouse, so I intervened. I put nemesis into another room, I got a little jar and a stick and through excessive cajoling, managed to get the mouse into the jar.

We decided that the best thing to do would be to take the mouse down to Lake Merritt to release him because we didn't want him anywhere in this neighborhood. So as a family, Mom, Dave and I pile into the car with the jarred mouse and drive down to the lake. We get out of the car and my mom, who is holding the mouse, takes the lid off and chucks the mouse into the air. He flies pretty high, lands with a bounce and TAKES OFF. He jumps and bounces repeatedly, trying to find cover, but he doesn't find any. A large seagull sweeps down and it looks like he's going to be eaten but he bounces away and into the street and WHAM! a car runs him over....

In the moment it was shockingly ironic and funny and exciting, but in the end it makes me really sad. All that effort to save and protect him and the little guy died anyway...I guess there really is no circumventing death...even on Christmas...   ;(

Sorry about my sad and somewhat funny story, I just had to share it. Hope you're all having a wonderful, death-free holiday!
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