Kelly and Erich: House Cops on Patrol

May 20, 2004 00:33

So, like Josh, I too sit in an empty house that was once home to many a fine people. Although, unlike him, I was only here for a little over a year, and my new house will kick much more ass than his. That's right Josh, my house is a rough and ready street cop from the hood, while your house is a tame and weak poser from the suburbs! Hey, that's a possible TV show plot, don't steal it!

Anyways, it's a bit weird being in this house alone, after it's been occupied by atleast 4 people over the last year. The silence is too never-wracking. But not to worry, I shall be moving into a fine house with some ass-kickin' people this weekend and then, the ruckus begins for another year. Oh, have I mentioned the new place has a fire pit in the backyard. Beat that suckas!

Okay, so I'm pretty beat, and I've got more packin' to do tomorrow. So I shall catch you folks on the flipside.
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