So, I've decided to play around a bit more with my digital camera. I've taken a bunch of photos over the last couple of days and I want to know what people think of them. Here are 4 that I think are somewhat cool looking or interesting. Take a look and let me know what you all think, good and bad. :)
This is an image of my cell phone sitting on top of my computer tower. I took it specifically with the flash off and no light on, so I could see any natural light around it and to make the red LED clearer.
Cool Off!
This image is of my dresser top with a lot of junk on it. I randomly took the shot without thinking about it, but after I looked at it after loading it on to the computer, I noticed that it was kind of ironic that there is a fan in front of an open window.
Electronic Jungle
This is a picture of a space between my desk and my computer tower. Filled with wires and cords, you can see where I came up with the name, Electronic Jungle.
Empty Friends
This is an image of a lineup of beer bottles that we had stacked up on a window sill at my house. I took a couple pictures of this at several different angles, and this is the best one in my opinion.
Ok, well let me know what you think.