Has anyone seen those weird Flirtal adverts yet? They're mainly showing on E4 and feature three girls in 'sexy Santa' outfits singing the annoying jingle "I think I need a text" to encourage viewers to, um, text them apparently... for no other reason than the implied possibility of receiving a text from one of said scantily clad girls in response.
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I also love how shitty some adverts.
Like "0800 2 1500" - Lombard Direct.com. I WILL NEVER ERASE THAT NUMBER.
Just like the Ocean Finance one *shudder*
Happy Birthday to your mum! :) Opening presents over Skype sounds awesome :D
And yet again I get the feeling I should watch Eastenders... ><
OMG that number is burned into my brain... like 0800 00 1066 - Hastings Direct. Fucking cocktards.
Lol thanks, I'll tell her you said so :) It was, but then they ate cake and I couldn't have any :( Buggers. I'm going home tomorrow though, for the birthday meal thing, so there'll be cake aplenty then!
Haha, you should, if only so I can have another person to talk about it with :P iPlayer...
OMG I HATE THAT NUMBER. The little dude and his log car >< The random talking phone. A nodding dog saying "OOOOHHHH yes!" Such things will define our culture for generations to come ><
Hehe :) But aw, that's not so fun :( But cake tomorrow! :D
LOL. Maybe one day :)
I actually had an argument with a lecturer today about adverts... she used the Tesco Bing Crosby Xmas ad as an example in the lecture slides but kept referring to it as the Asda ad, and I couldn't not correct her. Everyone looked at me, and I'm fairly sure I've cemented my reputation as 'the weird one' :P
Yay for cake :D One of the foods there's always more room for.
You never know...
Even if I didn't see my tutor today because I missed my last seminar by being in bed and dying :(
This is so TRUE. I just went out to a Christmas meal, barely ate the main, but the pudding? Nearly entirely disappeared :D
It wasn't cake, but chocolate/orangey torte thing? I can make room for that :D
I don't usually bother, but adverts are something I actually care about :P
Which probably says something about me.
Oh, no, dying? What? Why? *hugs*
Ooh, nice :D Sort of like a cake version of Terry's chocolate orange?
Lol. Adverts :) Pish tush. I get to watch the beginning of Gladiator a million times for my next CFM assignment :D Love that film.
:P It says good things! I think...
I'm ill :( It sucks. Like, BIG TIME.
Well, it was a sort of torte/cheesecake type thing, but basically, close :D
Oh, that's gay :( I hope you feel better soon.
Hmm, sounds nice :D
Thank you :) Me too. Stupid illnesses ><
:D:D It was quite. I'd've preferred cake :D
Illness is retarded :(
Cake never fails.
It so is. I wouldn't advise it :) I don't even feel like writing fic :( I'm not even in the mood for -reading-. :(
It never does. Unless it's stale. Or carrot cake. Or fruitcake :(
I will never understand why the cake of such an awesome day as Xmas is as horrible as fruitcake.
And I know Santiago Cabrera likes it, but carrot cake is gross. Also pointless because if you're going to go to all the effort of making a cake, don't go and try and make it healthy! The most counterintuitive cake EVER.
Chocolate is the best :D Or rainbow cake. Or basically anything but fruit/carrot cake :D IT IS SO STUPID.
Ice cream cake is nice :D And ginger cake.
Victoria sponge cake's my favourite... it's always underestimated, but still tastes bloody amazing.
Not had ice cream cake. And I prefer ginger biscuits :)
Vicky sponge is nice, as long as it's not dry >< Stupid Kipling dry sponges. Almost ruined my love of victoria sponge :(
Just made home-made cake is the best :D
I'm off too bed now :) G'night!
Just so you know I'm not going to reply and all :)
I'd take ginger cake over ginger biscuits, but then I'm not much of a biscuit lover really.
Kipling dry sponges? Clearly I've luckily missed them thus far.
Definitely (defo LOL).
Sweet dreams, my lovely.
No worries. I won't be replying to anything until I'm back at uni on Sunday, although I fully intend my review post to be up when I've watched the episode tomorrow night.
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