(no subject)

May 16, 2010 13:31

i haven't bought smokes because i'd rather buy food and booze.
it's probably a good thing anyway.

still working this job. i like the people but i slack off so much it's not even funny.
i only got one goddamn deal this week and that's not good. probs have to get a part-time
gig just to have some steady money coming in i guess.

i still feel surreal here; like i don't legit live here, but i do.
i don't even feel tied down. yeah, i mean i have my own place and i have a job and i have a couple
friends out here, but i still feel like i'm floating in the breeze like some poor balloon abandoned by
some petulant child whose fingers are covered in cotton candy.

i feel pretty unsure of everything actually. i've come to the realization that hey, there might
actually be shit wrong with me, so i should get it checked out?
i mean, i -want- to succeed in my life and at jobs and shit, but there's stuff holding me back,
and probably repressed shit that i don't even know about. i succeed at repression pretty hardcore.

i guess i should probably look into getting some form of healthcare out here, considering
i only have my alberta health care card which doesn't do much good here.

we'll see.
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