(no subject)

May 09, 2010 00:01

wow this one song by stars just reminded me of minus the bear, but on a slightly softer sounding scale.

moving on.

been at this harassing people job for a week. as much as i like harassing people, it depends entirely upon
the subject that i am throwing in their faces. gas marketing and economy doesn't happen to be one that i enjoy hawking. it would
be akin to preparing to hawk a loogie, and then somehow ejaculating it out of your nose combined with some heavily viscous and bloody mucus and having your hypothalamus dangling from a nostril.

i've made six deals this week, but that doesn't necessarily mean i made 660 dorrah. i'll be lucky if even three of those deals go through. but i do get a new agent bonus or some shit so hey, free money.
also went on a minor road trip with my male coworkers. considering most of the girls have quit, i'm one of two girls left and the only one that volunteered to go on this trip.

several beers, palm bays, blunts, games of pool and pitchers of shitty draft combines to make a pretty interesting time. especially being the sole possessor of the very thing we watched girls with little to no morals swing about some greased up stripper poles.
the rents suddenly flew out to visit me last night. nice surprise, but this also means i get some free groceries and mum finally weaseled out the fact that i only had six dollars left. winrar is me. so. accumulated more of the debt seren owed me, and heavily piling up the tabs that i owe my rents. awesome.

but now that i have money, i am going to buy smokes. yesssssssss.

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