Oct 20, 2020 16:05
Hi! This is the how's my driving? post for this pink-haired, androgynous prince here. Keep in mind that this Utena is an AU version, but I will try my best to keep her as IC as I possibly can.
That said, nobody's perfect, so every once in a while I may make mistakes...well, this post is meant to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or even if I'm Doing it Right. c: Any comments, CR ideas, criticism, questions or praise can go in this post.
Flames warm the blackened hole where my heart used to be and give me many lulz, but for the most part they will be ignored and deleted so please, let's be civil. c:
To keep things civil Anonymous comments are allowed. Comments remain unscreened, but I will gladly place screening on upon request.
That's all!
rp: squarewarts,