Mar 23, 2005 17:06
To follow my path i once wrtien, to hold myself back just to follow my foolish path of understanding. who will break these chains of fear, none because i shut you out so easily. So when i look at my foolish thoughts and my dreary exsitance i only wonder why do i limit myself once again when i can florish into my own understanding of what life and love really is. My goals need to be calibrated and my thoughts exsamined. Who am i. How come i do not know this yet. Am i not a man. Maybe this is my reconing, or the vistious cycle i put myself threw knowing better that i am a failure by nature. But all can be changed threw the hard work of active changes in my life to change into myself torn and use the action i know better then the action i follow religousley. My lust for self pleasing has left me with nothing but doubt and failure. but watch.